Hiring a Facebook Ads Expert: Why and How to Do It

 In Client Tips, Marketing Tips


Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has evolved from solely a social platform into a massive marketing tool. With 2.45 billion active users every month, Facebook has become a hub for so many types of businesses. As a business owner, you need to find the best Facebook ads expert to manage your business presence in such a wide and influential platform.

Why You Need to Hire a Facebook Advertising Expert

Did you know?

  • Over 9 million small businesses are on Facebook.
  • In a survey by eMarketer, 87.1% of marketers are expected to use Facebook advertising in 2020.
  • Facebook is the third most visited website, next to YouTube (second) and Google (first). 
  • In the App Store, Facebook is the fifth most downloaded free mobile app, with Messenger ranking fourth. 
  • According to a Sprout Social study, 89% of surveyed marketers admit they use Facebook for marketing, while 66% of surveyed consumers follow or Like a Facebook business page.
  • 15% of users in the US buy something or find shopping inspiration from Facebook.


These facts and figures only scratch the surface of why you need to hire a Facebook ads specialist. While it’s valid to consider doing the work yourself, the stakes involved are just too high. For one thing, Facebook is too complex to manage if you take your other business responsibilities into account. For another, the platform’s potential for sales and marketing is too high to be left to non-expert hands.

To appreciate the intricacies of Facebook advertising, here are 5 specific reasons why it’s worth hiring a Facebook ad expert:


1. They produce quality output.

Visuals, text, and sound – these are the basic elements of a marketing campaign. Facebook ads are no different. Although it sounds easy, putting these elements together to form a cohesive outcome takes proper training, a keen eye for design, and a knack for marketing. It takes experts to create an output that captivates an audience and delivers results.

2. They know how to navigate Facebook’s strict rules.

Social media users have grown weary of ads. From disruptive videos to clickbait, online ads have developed a shady side over the years. As a wide online platform, Facebook is always on the lookout for ways to protect its users and cater to their preferences. This has inevitably influenced Facebook’s advertising rules that everyone must follow to Facebook ad specialists know how to navigate these rules, so your ads do not violate any terms or put off users.

3. They know how to target the right audience.

Facebook is home to billions of active monthly users. How do you make sure you reach the right people, or better yet, that they reach you? Thankfully, Facebook advertising has advanced tools to let you zero in on the right audience. A specialist would know to tweak your ads so it hits the right demographics. Just as importantly, they know how to create the kind of ads that people will be searching, sharing, and coming back to.

4. They know how to remarketing campaigns.

Ever stressed about the name or source of a product that you want but have forgotten about? Sometimes, people read about a product that they are interested in but are not in the position to buy right away. This is where remarketing saves the day.
Remarketing is the process of delivering ads to people who have already visited your website or searched for your product online. Such an intricate tactic needs an expert hand, so you don’t get prospective buyers to slip away!

5. They are reliable and consistent.

Just like any marketing branch, Facebook advertising requires impeccable timing and consistency. You wouldn’t want to publish an ad that arouses controversy and backlash! Ad experts have a grip on the social pulse so that they know what topics are hot and what topics are not. They can also appreciate branding consistency and know-how posting on schedule cultivates consumer trust while rousing excitement.

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How to Hire a Facebook Ads Expert: Dos and Don’ts

There are many ways a small-mid size business can grow and beat bigger competitors, and deciding to hire someone to do Facebook ads is one of them.

Just like any other business decision, hiring the right person for Facebook advertising must be done strategically. Here are some pointers to help you find the most suitable Facebook ads specialist to join your team:


The DOs

1. Don’t be passive in the recruitment process.

An outsourcing firm takes the weight of recruitment off your shoulders, but that doesn’t mean that you should leave everything in their hands. To help an outsourcing agency find the most suitable person for your team, you must be proactive in recruitment.

That means detailing your required skills and preferred work schedule, describing the job as clearly and comprehensively as possible, and interviewing applicants strategically. Here are a few questions you can ask to zero in on the best Facebook ads VA.

  • How long have you been a Facebook ads specialist? This would help you assess the candidate’s level of expertise. If you’re an advertising novice, work with a VA with advanced Facebook ads skills and a proven track record. You might also want to inquire where or how the candidate learned about Facebook advertising to gauge their competence.
  • What kind of niches or companies have you worked with? Are they an expert in your line of business? Do they need more time or supervision to understand your industry better? The answer to this can profoundly influence the quality of their campaigns, especially when it comes to establishing a connection with the audience.
  • What is your process or strategy for testing, running, and monitoring ads? The ideal Facebook ads expert would have a ready answer to this question. When they do, it certifies their expertise.

2. Don’t micromanage your VA.

When you hire someone to do your Facebook ads, you’re making a decision to delegate this task to someone who can handle it better. It only makes sense to let them put in their insight, strategy, and processes in achieving your goals.

To avoid micromanagement, set a schedule to touch base with your VA and check in on the progress of your projects, listen to understand rather than answer, and use these tools for better remote team management.

3. Don’t isolate your Facebook ads from your overall marketing plan.

Marketing must be cohesive to be effective, especially now when there are multiple channels where people can access your brand.

Do your Facebook posts mirror the same voice as your blog content? Are you using the insights from your Facebook ads for creating content ideas, remarketing, and improving customer service? See that your goals and tactics for Facebook advertising complement your branding style and boost your other channels.

4. Don’t be rigid with the process.

Advertising on Facebook is just like any other business tactic in that you can be firm with the goals but must be flexible with the process. Aim to further your online presence through Facebook, but have an open mind on to get there. Having this stance is especially important when you’re working with people who have a better grasp of the field.

Allow a learning curve in the process and don’t be hesitant to regroup and start again when your previous plans don’t work out. Patience helps you understand your audience better, so you can build a connection that lasts and goes beyond Likes and Shares.

Facebook may be a massive platform, but you can harness it and use it to boost your brand with the help of a Facebook ads expert.

Kickstart your hunt for the perfect Facebook ads expert with 20four7VA. Click here to schedule a free consultation call with us.

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