Virtual Assistant Resume: Top Skills Every Client Looks For

 In The Virtual Assistant's Guide

Top Skills You Need to Put in Your Virtual Assistant Resume

Aside from task proficiency and work experience, what do clients want to see when looking at a virtual assistant resume?

As more companies realize the growth-boosting benefits of virtual staffing, the competition for virtual assistant jobs also becomes tougher. Whether you are a business looking to build your virtual team of remote workers or a virtual assistant (VA) searching for remote work opportunities, it pays to know the essential skills that set top VAs apart.

Virtual assistance has expanded to include many specializations beyond administrative functions. Still, there are core qualities clients look for in a virtual assistant resume. These virtual assistant skills are transferable across industries and can be developed with training or on-the-job experience.

12 Essential Skills To Make Your Virtual Assistant Resume Stand Out

The number of virtual assistants on a job search looking for remote roles grows by the day, with previously office-based workers joining the ranks because of the pandemic. To keep ahead of the pack, it is important to highlight your specific abilities and specializations, whether that’s order fulfillment, data entry, or video editing. These things are important to keep in mind to craft the perfect resume according to the job description. Apart from hard skills, clients or hiring managers also look for fundamental “soft” skills to help them determine if a VA is a good fit for their team.

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1. Online Tools Efficiency

Regardless of the job you’re applying for, an ideal virtual assistant resume must show efficiency in online tools. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and other Office programs, Google Workspace, communication apps, and project management software are just some of the tools you will use daily as a remote worker. As these are fundamental to virtual work, your resume must show that you have sufficient knowledge and experience with these apps.

Companies prefer hiring virtual assistants who already have a solid understanding of online tools, so they don’t have to waste time training them in their use.

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2. Exceptional Time Management

As a self-employed individual who determines your workload and schedule, you need solid time management skills. This means having the ability to set and meet deadlines for tasks and deliverables in a timely manner, separating work time from personal time, and prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance. Potential clients want to hear that you’ll be able to juggle various responsibilities without dropping the ball on any of them.

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3. Organizational Expertise

VAs are expected to be independent and self-reliant. Although there are pre-arranged working conditions, VAs are still mostly left to their own devices. As they read your resume, clients look for evidence that you are organized and methodical and can perform your tasks without the need for constant monitoring.

To show this, create a virtual assistant resume sample that highlights your organizational skills. To create an objective statement for your professional resume, make sure it answers the following bullet points:

  • How do you ensure your day-to-day tasks are accomplished?
  • How will you establish your workflow when you work on your schedule?
  • How often are client communications conducted?
  • Do you have intentions to work for multiple clients?
  • If applying to be an executive assistant or administrative VA, what organizational methods and various administrative work techniques can you bring to the table?

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4. Multi-Platform Communication Prowess

Virtual assistants will communicate with both clients and customers using different platforms. Whether reporting over video conference, cold-calling over VoIP, responding to a Facebook message, or chatting over Slack, VAs should always be clear and straightforward. Without non-verbal cues, a lot can be misconstrued, which is why exemplary communication skills are a definite must-have.

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5. Customer-centric

Being customer-focused goes beyond merely providing exceptional customer service. This skill is both an attitude and a mindset. It is having the inclination to put your company’s best interests at heart. At the same time, it is having the willingness to go the extra mile to help resolve customer issues in the most professional manner.

Being customer-centric does not come in spurts of action. Instead, it is a steadfast approach towards working with clients and employers. When creating a resume, don’t forget to highlight your customer-centric mindset.

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6. Propensity for Self-Improvement

Tools for workflow management, scheduling appointments, records management, lead generation, performing market research, project tracking, and communication are constantly being developed. Meanwhile, businesses have to continually adapt to stay relevant and to stay on top of the game. As a virtual assistant, you have to be able to adapt to change quickly.

This means being able to learn new tools, techniques, and strategies. It means having a thirst for self-improvement and professional development. Having the desire to learn and being a more efficient worker benefits both you and your clients.

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7. Proven Self-Sufficiency

Self-sufficiency doesn’t always appear first on the list in conventional resumes. However, you need to go beyond the conventional if you want to stand out to get your dream job. Self-sufficiency is one way to achieve such a feat.

As a VA, you will inevitably be assigned tasks you have no prior experience in. It’s also likely you will be asked to use tools and methods that you’re not familiar with. Therefore, you must have the ability to research and learn things on your own. When you are self-sufficient, you’re able to provide quality output with minimal supervision.

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8. Flexibility

Virtual assistance allows businesses to grow or scale back at their convenience. For instance, a company may hire short-term VAs when preparing for seasonal sales. In the same way, they may reduce hours during leaner months. An indirect consequence of this is having the VA put on many hats. For example, a social media VA who is normally in charge of social media accounts may help with customer service tasks during busier months. Or a content writer may take on answering customer complaints or graphic design tasks before human resources can hire support staff or an in-house graphic designer.

As a VA, you must have the patience and versatility to go beyond your normal routine when the situation asks for it. Flexibility and initiative are strong indicators of leadership potential. When you can roll with the punches, you become an invaluable asset to any potential employer and the workplace.

9. Tech Savvy

This is another quality VAs must possess. Modern business requires virtual assistance to make use of cutting-edge technologies and tools for collaboration and communication (like Slack or Skype). It’s like virtual work has its own set of rules that you need to learn in order to succeed. For instance, VAs know how important it is to use virtual meeting and collaboration tools.

Knowing how to use the latest software and technology is a great indicator of your value as a virtual assistant. It’s also one way you can demonstrate their value to clients, especially if they are using cutting-edge technologies that many workers don’t commonly know.

10. Excellent Written and Verbal Communication Skills

VAs can perform work tasks from a remote location while communicating with their clients thanks to remote work. This means VAs must have strong written and verbal communication skills. This skill allows virtual assistants to match their employer’s professionalism in their communications. It also ensures that you can convey thoughts and ideas clearly.

These skills are just some of the most sought-after VA qualities. If you have any, don’t hesitate to include them on your virtual assistant resume. This way, VAs can better showcase their strengths, including interpersonal skills, and give employers a glimpse of the value they bring to the table.

11. Organization and Planning Skills

This skill shows potential employers that you can prioritize your projects effectively and determine the amount of time for each task. It also demonstrates you know how to set deadlines, prepare a schedule for work progress, speaking engagements, or travel arrangements, and stay aligned with all project parameters. Besides making clients feel confident in your skillset, this also enhances the credibility of their virtual assistant projects.

12. Ability to Handle Pressure

This particular virtual assistant skill is another way of saying you can perform under pressure during busy seasons. Clients also notice this skill in your VA resume because it demonstrates they will be able to depend on you when the going gets tough. This allows them to achieve more within a short amount of time which is why employers value their VA’s ability to handle pressure.

image with text Virtual Assistant Resume Tips for Writing a Good Virtual Assistant Resume

Virtual Assistant Resume Tips for Writing a Good Virtual Assistant Resume

1. Customize your experience to meet clients’ requirements – what clients are looking for are VAs who can help improve their remote work process. To do this, you must have the knowledge to meet clients’ requirements at all times. The best way to do this is by customizing your virtual assistant resume objective and by including a cover letter.

2. Target your message – your virtual assistant resume should tell employers why you are the VA they need. Focus on showcasing relevant skills and experience based on the job title and job description. Think like employers because they are the ones clients want to outsource to improve their business processes.

3. Be specific about your tasks – highlight virtual administrative tasks or duties that best illustrate your capabilities as a virtual assistant in your professional resume. The last thing you want clients to think is VAs are all the same. Be specific about your credentials when writing a virtual assistant resume sample.

4. Tailor your virtual assistant resume to each employer – when tailoring your virtual assistant resume, make sure you focus on employers’ needs in order to match their requirements, resume format, cover letter instruction for new team members. Make yours stand out in the best way by addressing the needs and requirements in the job description.

5. Be honest with your virtual assistant resume – one of the worst things VAs can do is provide employers with false information in their virtual assistant resumes. Employers will be able to identify these and you might not even get a chance to prove yourself as a virtual assistant. Your education section should include all the schools you attended, degrees earned, relevant academic distinctions, and more. You may also include major areas of study so that it will become the best resume possible for you.

6. Be adaptable – the virtual work environment is always evolving and VAs should be ready to adapt to new arrangements and requirements that come their way.

7. Keep virtual assistant resume short and sweet – There is more to life than being wordy, especially if you are want to be a VA. Clients look for those who can address work challenges. Make your perfect resume sample stand out by being direct, concise, and to the point. Make sure the education section, skills, and work experience are more readable by using bullet points.

8. Don’t forget to provide your contact information – this is the only piece of information clients will need in order to contact you for their new virtual assistant position. Most virtual assistant resume examples have the contact information at the top so that hiring managers can see it right away.

9. Remember to proofread your virtual assistant resume – the last thing you want is to send resumes with spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Employers are looking for someone who can meet their specific needs, whether if they need a person for data entry, administrative support, make travel arrangements, do tasks based on established procedures, or make travel arrangements, your resume should reflect that. The only way you are going to convince them that you are the best person for the job is by ensuring your virtual assistant resume is free from spelling and/or grammar mistakes.

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image with text Virtual Assistant Resume Examples

Virtual Assistant Resume Examples

Fiona Smith

Personal Virtual Assistant

(555) 555-5555

[email protected]

Career Summary 

A virtual assistant with extensive virtual administrative tasks experience who practices high standards of professionalism and administrative tasks expertise, I offer a wide range of skills that can be applied to projects relating to management, research, data entry, customer complaints assistance, virtual conference, transcription, organization of electronic and paper files, and email management.

Work Experience 

Virtual Assistant – August 2016 – Present

Commercial Virtual Assistant – January 2015 – Present 

Residential Virtual Assistant – June 2013 – December 2014

Virtual Administrative Support – July 2012 – February 2013

Virtual Administration Assistant – October 2010 – April 2011


Virtual Assistant Training Course – June 2017 – July 2017

Internship in Virtual Work January – 2016 – Present 

High School Diploma – August 2014 

Diploma in Business – March 2013 

Skills and Abilities

  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office tools, Google Apps, and virtual assistance software
  • Extensive experience in a wide range of virtual assistant specific categories including data entry and handling of various data
  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • Ability to do extensive research through cross-referencing various websites
  • Experience in developing plans and strategies
  • Experience using virtual conference software for video conferences & webinars 
  • Ability to translate requests into virtual assistance project management plans
  • Experience using virtual transcription software & audio files
  • Extensive virtual assistant experience and knowledge of tools, apps, and platforms including Zirtual, Time Doctor, GoToMeeting, Asana, Evernote, Wetransfer, and TwitterDeck
  • Ability to record virtual training, presentation, and lectures
  • Prepare, collate, and ship proposals and meeting materials
  • Event planning

Virtual Assistant Resume Template Example 2

John Cho

Executive Virtual Assistant

(555) 555-5555

[email protected]

Virtual Assistant Resume Summary

Twelve years of virtual administrative assistant experience with in-depth knowledge in virtual administrative project management, customer support through virtual conference software, virtual transcription, data entry, and software application.

Work Experience

Executive Virtual Assistant – April 2016 – Present

Residential Virtual Assistance – June 2012 – December 2014

Virtual Administrative Assistant – October 2009 – May 2010


Online virtual assistant certification course with 100% virtual assistance project grading completed in August 2017 at the virtual assistant academy of virtual

Virtual Assistant Skills and Abilities

  • Familiarity with virtual office tools, software, platforms, and hardware including microphone headsets used for online virtual conferences & transcription.
  • Ability to create project management plans & strategies using Asana, Trello, or Microsoft Project.
  • Experience using virtual conference software including GoToMeeting and Zirtual Virtual Assistant.
  • Extensive virtual assistance experience in virtual administration, transcription, virtual word processing, and email management.
  • Ability to manage multiple virtual assistant projects simultaneously while offering a high level of VA services.
  • Experience recording, training & presenting lectures and PowerPoint presentations using video and audio recording software including Wetransfer or WeTransferFile, Skype Call Recorder, or Vokul.
  • Extensive knowledge of major social media platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Ability to effectively communicate both written and verbally with clients and VAs.
  • Experience in event planning, acquiring permits, coordinating transportation, etc.

Do You Need a Cover Letter?

Many virtual assistant jobs require applicants to send a cover letter. A cover letter is different from a traditional resume cover letter in that you should not include the details of your current employment situation. Instead, cover letters provide further information about your qualifications and experience. These four steps will help you create one.

1. Gather Information

Start by gathering information on the company or individual that you are applying to work with. This includes any job listings, websites, and social media channels. It would help if you also ask your virtual assistant friends and colleagues for recommendations or job leads.

2. Structure Your Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

After gathering information on the job you are applying for, it’s time to start writing your virtual assistant cover letter. Remember, virtual assistant cover letters need to highlight your virtual administrative skills and experience. Use the job description as a guide for what you should include in your cover letter. You can also use this cover letter sample and even these VA resume examples as templates for writing your own.

3. Get Feedback

After you have written your virtual assistant cover letter, ask peers, colleagues, and leads for feedback on what could be improved or changed. Remember to highlight the specific skills and qualifications that match the job description and posting.

4. Send Your Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

Once you have edited and revised your cover letter until it’s perfect, take a final look. If you are applying for a virtual assistant position with an individual client or company, you’ll need to send your virtual assistant cover letter and resume via email. If you are sending it as an individual, don’t forget to attach a professional headshot of yourself as well. You can either include your contact information or put it in the body of the email so that the hiring manager can contact you directly.

Final Thoughts

There are a plethora of virtual assistant resume examples online. However, becoming a VA sought after by clients takes more than just having an organized record of your educational and work history.

Make sure your virtual assistant resume stands out by including the top skills above. Highlight relevant experiences where you were able to demonstrate these skills. You’ll find that doing so also makes it easier to talk about yourself and pitch your services to clients.

You can learn and develop these essential virtual assistant skills on your own. Better yet, you can work with a team that will give you comprehensive training and free resources so you can develop the skills needed to become a successful virtual assistant. Fast-track your career growth by partnering with a full-service staffing agency like 20four7VA.

Next: Become a 20four7VA Virtual Assistant

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