20four7VA Launches Partnership with ASAT and RemoteAR

 In Press Releases

20four7VA launches partnership with the ASAT and RemoteAR


Turning the Spotlight on Remote Talent in Latin America


In its effort to amplify its reach and build an inclusive virtual workplace for remote workers worldwide, 20four7VA has entered into a partnership with the Argentine Association of Telework (ASAT), a non-profit focused on the continuous advancement of teleworking in the region, and Remotear, an HR tech company based in Argentina but with a reach extending throughout Latin America.

This mutually beneficial agreement is possible because of shared goals between 20four7VA, ASAT, and Remotear, which are:

  • To create a diverse and inclusive virtual workplace
  • To give business owners access to bilingual remote workers, in this case English and Spanish-speaking remote workers
  • To help skilled remote talent from across the globe find rewarding career opportunities


20four7VA ASAT Remotear


Three Main Partnership Pillars

Providing Career Opportunities for Talents Across Latin America

To help ASAT and Remotear reach out and strengthen ties with various educational and municipal institutions in the region, 20four7VA will recruit, hire, and subsidize a bilingual administrative virtual assistant (VA) to be assigned to Remotear. In exchange, 20four7VA will use the Remotear platform to publish remote work or telework job openings to invite talented remote workers in the Latin American community to apply for rewarding career opportunities.


Increased Visibility

All parties shall announce their ties on all relevant platforms and newsletters to increase visibility and awareness of the collaboration. 20four7VA will mention ASAT and Remotear as their strategic partners in the Latin American region. ASAT and Remotear will also mention 20four7VA in their platforms, events, and marketing collaterals. These mutually beneficial co-branding efforts will drive traffic to Remotear’s platform, where talents from Latin American countries can find remote work opportunities.


Skills Upgrade Through Training

To further strengthen the skills of select talents in the region, 20four7VA will provide free training to ten individuals from ASAT and Remotear communities. These individuals will go through a tailored training program offered by 20four7VA’s in-house training team. Learning opportunities such as these are valuable for any remote talent to ensure continuous improvement and acquire relevant skills or, in short, to stay competitive.

20four7VA is excited to embark on this new partnership with the Argentine Association of Telework (ASAT) and Remotear as part of its continuous efforts to provide talented remote workers with employment opportunities wherever they may be.


About The Argentine Association of Telework

The Argentine Association of Telework, or ASAT, seeks to collaborate with other institutions “for a more equitable, inclusive, collaborative and participatory world.” Click here to know more about ASAT and its mission to advance teleworking in the region.

About Remotear

Remotear is a platform for both remote and hybrid career opportunities. The company aims to connect remote talent with rewarding job opportunities, not just within Argentina but across Latin America. Visit Remotear’s website for more information on Remotear.


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