5 Ways To Build Authority As A Content Writer

 In VA Work Tips and Best Practices

Building a reputation or building authority is a valuable aspect of every content writer’s career. With authority, you gain positive reactions and more followers and loyal readers. This, in turn, affects site traffic and eventually exposure to everyone who is interested or who might be interested in what you write.

Content writers’ success lies in what they write and how it compels the readers to share or react to what they have read. Small businesses and clients look for content writers who can boost brand awareness and promote their business. Are you the content writer they’re looking for?

To help you with your content writing career, here are 5 ways to build authority as a content writer.

Participate in online discussions

Participating and commenting in different blogs or forums is helpful in building your authority. Interaction through social media like Twitter is also helpful as it’s one way of letting people see that you know what you’re talking about and you’re the real deal.

Always add something relevant to the discussion, any valuable information you share will be recognized and before you know it, you’ll be considered as an influencer in the field or industry that you often discuss or share insights with. It will also help if you comment on blogs that are relevant to the industry you’re in; this broadens your network and your audience.

Guest blogging

One of the most effective ways to increase your authority is to do guest blogging. One important element here is that you need to guest blog on popular sites or blog sites that have a huge number of followers. It’s understandable that there is a time that you won’t be able to guest blog on popular sites immediately, it’s highly likely that you’ll start with smaller sites. The good thing is that guest blogging on smaller sites should not be taken for granted, grab every opportunity that you have but make sure that you gradually move up in guest blogging to bigger sites.

Guest blogging is one way to introduce you to different people who share your interests with a specific industry and this strategy also exposes you to other influencers and content writers who would be interested in collaborating with you. If this opportunity comes, make sure that you provide an exceptional content as you would want to make a very good impression to curious readers and potential followers.

Continually improve your content

Exceptional writing is what sets you apart from the competition. Once you have this edge, you’ll be recognized and your authority will rise with it. Work on creating compelling, engaging and informative content that would lead to your readers wanting for more and for them to look up to you as an authority or an influencer in the industry. Earn a positive reputation through the content you provide.

Engage with media personalities

This is another way of further boosting your authority. With the help of different social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, you’ll be able to discuss, engage and share your ideas with prominent figures in the world of multimedia. Once you share relevant and impressive insights, these people will take notice and it’s possible that in future discussions, you can be considered as a source of information. A simple retweet can do wonders and if you’re lucky, they can also set an interview for you in connection with a subject you’re an authority on.

Participate in review/critic sites

This is one way to build your reputation as an authority online. By sharing your thoughts on certain matters in different review sites like Yelp or social media platforms like Facebook, Foursquare, and even Twitter. Sharing your thoughts online in a professional and informative manner will greatly contribute to your goal to increase authority.

Success in building authority as a content writer does not happen overnight. It takes time and you’ll need to work hard and be consistent in providing exceptional content. By following the tips above and by consistently bringing your A-game in article or piece that you do, you’ll eventually reach your goal in increasing your authority, making you the most sought content writer or virtual assistant.


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  • Blessing

    This was really helpful

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