People of 20four7VA: Coleen

 In People of 20four7VA

People of 20four7VA Coleen


Welcome to the People of 20four7VA series! Every month, we chat with a member of the team and find out what they do at 20four7VA, what keeps them here, and how they make remote work work.


This month, let’s get to know Coleen, one of 20four7VA’s Human Resources (HR) Specialists.

As one of our HR Specialists, Coleen’s workday revolves around our VAs. She sees to the needs and concerns of our virtual assistants (VAs) and ensures that everyone adheres to the company guidelines. She also leads the engagement activities for the company, including live events like our annual Town Hall. When she’s not busy with our VAs, Coleen enjoys playing with her dogs, traveling or taking long drives, and visiting her favorite cafes.


What made you decide to work with 20four7VA?

At first, I was just looking for an online staffing agency to help me gain more clients for my freelance work. But with 20four7VA, I was able to forge a new career path in a work-from-home setting. It gave me freedom from the traditional office setup, which ultimately made me decide to work with 20four7VA for the long term.


What’s your favorite thing about working with 20four7VA?

The culture and the people. Everyone I’ve worked with has been genuine, and I’ve become close friends with some of my teammates. I also love how everyone on the team works professionally.


What’s one thing that people should know about outsourcing/virtual staffing?

Outsourced remote staffing is the key to growing your team, giving you the exact people you need without the usual recruiting hassles. Instead of spending time looking for and hiring the right talent on your own, a remote staffing company like 20four7VA can handle the whole process so you can focus on growing your business.


What’s one thing that every VA/remote worker has to know?

Remote work is not as easy as it may seem, but it’s worth it. Every dime and every second you invest in honing your remote work skills ultimately pays off. Don’t be afraid to invest in paid/unpaid training if you want to succeed in this industry.


What are your top 3 tips for those starting their remote work journey?

  1. Set your vision and goals. This includes the niche you want to focus on. As many remote work coaches have pointed out, being a generalist won’t get you far in this industry. Find your niche and develop the relevant skills that will set you apart.
  2. Build your portfolio and work experience. Sometimes, this may entail offering your services for free so you can put something in your portfolio, which is what I did when I was starting out as a podcast editor. Remember, there are many competitors in this remote work journey, and you will stand out to potential clients when they see your output.
  3. Don’t give up. It’s too early to quit and too late to give up. 😉 God will surely give you your desired work and rate if you wait patiently.


What’s a motto/philosophy you live by?

Do all things (in both my work and personal lives) with excellence, remembering that I am working for the Lord, not man.


What do you do to unwind after a long day at work?

I usually go on a short road trip to a coffee shop outside my hometown and unwind with my friends, family, and five adorable doggos.


Thanks for chatting with us, Coleen! 😊


Want to work with a company that will give you a pathway to growing your VA career? If the answer is yes, we’d love to work with you! Explore our open jobs or get in touch! We’re always excited to find global remote talent like you!

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