How to Thank Your Virtual Team for Their Hard Work

 In Client Tips

“Thank you” or “thanks” are overused words in the professional world. They have somehow become meaningless expressions — phrases we say out of courtesy, not sincerity.

As the boss, you may feel that you don’t have to thank your employees since you’re paying them to do certain tasks. However, this is an incorrect way of looking at things. As a leader, you should be able to demonstrate humility by consistently showing your gratitude to your team.

It may sound cheesy, but a simple and sincere utterance of “thank you” can do wonders for your employees. This practice can boost their morale and make them feel happier at work. Note that these things are more difficult to do when you’re handling a virtual team. Since you are not in one office together, they will definitely miss all of the physical cues you may be giving. That is why it’s important to tell them what you think and feel through words.

Follow these three simple steps to thanking your employees and see how it can inspire them to provide you with the best virtual assistant service.

How to Thank Your Virtual Team for Their Hard Work

  1. Say it from the heart.

There’s no other way to do it but to say it from the heart. This may sound a bit vague, but when you put so much thought into your words and you thank them in a conscientious way, your gratitude will surely come off as sincere.

Think about all the things they have done for you and imagine your business without their help. This will surely spark gratitude in your heart.

  1. Tell them what you’re thankful for.

Whether it’s saving a huge deal or accomplishing a simple task, be specific about what you are thanking them for. Think about the small things they do and find out how they overcome the challenges they face; this will help you understand and properly thank them for all the effort they have poured in their work.

Regularly asking them how they are may also give you more insight and allow you to appreciate their service even more.

  1. Share how they have influenced you.

This gives your “thank you” more weight as you are able to show them that their virtual assistant services have produced concrete results. Moreover, it makes them feel more valued because they know that their hard work is actually contributing to the company.

Don’t worry about getting a bit personal. If they have inspired you in any way to work even harder towards the success of your business, say it to them. Acknowledging what they do will definitely give them a sense of purpose, and as a result, they’ll give you the best that they’ve got.

When said from the bottom of your heart, the words “thank you” or “thanks” will surely have a positive effect on every virtual assistant working for you. They can even strengthen your working relationship as well. Ultimately, healthy professional relationships can contribute to the success of your company.

Next:  How To Find A Great Virtual Worker (And Keep Them)

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