How Do I Hire a Virtual Assistant for Internet Marketing?

 In Client Tips, Marketing Tips

How Do I Hire a Virtual Assistant for Internet Marketing?


There’s definitely no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing. And that’s a good thing. This means businesses with the right marketing approach can carve their place in a highly competitive marketplace.

Technological advancements allow businesses to find new ways to reach their prospective customers. Online or digital marketing is one of the most popular and effective marketing approaches. And partnered with another equally cost-effective approach, virtual assistant (VA) staffing, business owners can improve their digital marketing strategies without overshooting their marketing or overhead budgets.


The Whats and Whys of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is typically interchangeable with the terms digital marketing and online marketing. This type of marketing refers to using various digital channels to promote products or services online. These channels include search engines, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, company websites, and mobile apps.

The objectives of internet marketing strategies or campaigns vary. Maybe you want to increase customer awareness through content marketing efforts. Or you may be looking to increase repeat customers through email campaigns. Since technology is evolving, the possibilities offered by internet marketing are also changing. But if you haven’t started yet, then your business should begin investing resources to reap the benefits internet marketing offers.


A More Level Playing Field for Businesses of Any Size

In the past, large corporations had an advantage over small businesses because they had more financial resources to invest in advertising and marketing. They had access to expensive traditional advertising platforms like television and radio.

But thankfully, the rise of the digital age gave way to internet marketing. And compared with traditional advertising methods, internet marketing is more cost-effective and data-driven. It’s highly measurable and can be as granular as possible. All these advantages allow businesses to maximize their marketing budgets and continue improving their strategy. Plus, it makes the internet a much more level playing field than other marketing channels like TV ads.


Customers are becoming more and more digital-savvy

With more and more people relying on the internet for shopping, communication, and other activities, internet marketing has become a must-have for businesses of all sizes.

If you’re a business in the modern world, then you know that most, if not all, of your target customers, practically live online. According to a report from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), it’s estimated that the number of internet users grew from 4.2 billion in 2019 to 5.3 billion in 2022. Many factors are affecting this big (24%) growth, but one thing’s clear: the number of “digital natives” is increasing. And it makes sense for businesses to market where their target audience or potential clients are: online.


Internet marketing


Thrive in a Highly Competitive and Global Market

Utilizing internet marketing tactics doesn’t just help increase brand awareness and customer engagement. It also helps businesses stay competitive. With the market becoming more global than ever before, you need to implement the right efforts to make your business stand out.

Internet marketing can help you do just that. Some cost-efficient but effective internet marketing strategies include optimizing your website for SERPs (search engine results pages) through keyword research, creating engaging content, and posting on social media. All these internet marketing efforts and more can help produce remarkable results for your company.
Most companies don’t maximize the various internet marketing tools available either for free or at manageable costs. By staying ahead of the curve, you don’t only get to properly utilize your marketing spend. You also create a competitive edge for your business.

Want more tips to strengthen your social media marketing strategy


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Top Benefits of Working with a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant

There are many benefits to working with virtual assistants for your digital marketing needs. Here are three top reasons:

Wider Talent Pool

By choosing to work with digital marketing virtual assistants, you’re opening your business up to global talent. You have a bigger, more skilled talent pool to choose from. This means you can find the most suitable person for the role without being limited by geographical lines.

There are so many remote professionals worldwide that are bursting with talent and passion. Unfortunately, not all of these remote talents have access to financially rewarding career opportunities where they live. By working as virtual assistants, they can connect with growing businesses like yours to find meaningful work. You’re not only getting the right digital marketing virtual assistant for your business. You’re also helping create a more diverse remote workplace.

Cost-Effective Staffing Solution

Recruiting a virtual assistant for your digital marketing needs can also help keep your business financially healthy. Instead of adding another person to your in-office staff, you can outsource your online marketing needs to a digital marketing virtual assistant.

These VAs are remote professionals who have their own tools to fulfill their duties. Plus, they can accomplish these tasks remotely, eliminating the need for extra office space and equipment. If you want to get the job done without increasing your overhead and labor budget, then hiring a digital marketing virtual assistant is the way to go.

Improve Business Productivity

Working with a virtual assistant means you can delegate important yet time-consuming activities. It also means you’re letting digital marketing experts do what they do best. All you need is to set clear expectations and key performance indicators (KPIs) early on to ensure you and your digital marketing assistant are on the same page.

By letting go of tasks that don’t need your particular skills or immediate attention, you’re allowing yourself and the rest of your team to get precious time back. You can focus on your core responsibilities while your digital marketing virtual assistant implements your online marketing campaigns.

How can hiring remote staff help you manage your expenses as you grow your team and business? Check out these 20four7VA client testimonials for real-life success stories. Or schedule a free consultation with our Growth Experts to find out more.


Benefits of hiring an internet marketing VA


What Tasks Can Internet Marketing Virtual Assistants Do?

Digital Marketing Campaigns

  • email marketing
  • researching digital marketing trends
  • creating and implementing your digital marketing strategy
  • Google Ads campaign management and content creation
  • influencer marketing
  • affiliate marketing
  • other digital marketing planning and execution activities

Social Media Marketing

  • create accounts on social media platforms
  • social media account management
  • scheduling social media posts
  • manage Facebook groups and comments
  • other social media and content management duties

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • content marketing
  • keyword research
  • web design
  • web content creation
  • other white hat SEO efforts

Creative & Technical Support

  • copywriting for social media posts and marketing collateral
  • content writing for blog posts
  • graphic design
  • video editing
  • podcast editing
  • website management
  • other creative and technical digital marketing tasks

Administrative Tasks

  • email management
  • calendar management
  • database updating
  • data entry
  • and other admin-related digital marketing tasks


Five Essential Qualities to Look for in a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant

The right person for the job should have the right mix of soft skills and hard skills. The final list of skills and specializations will vary depending on your business model and the type of digital marketing assistant you need. However, it’s important to make sure that your marketing virtual assistant possesses these five basic qualities:

1. Keen Interest in the Latest Marketing Trends and News

Digital marketing is constantly evolving—and evolving fast. If a business can’t keep up, it might lose whatever competitive edge they have over its competitors. A virtual digital marketing assistant can help your business stay ahead and on top of the latest market trends.

By always keeping an ear to the ground, they can provide a fresh perspective for your business. They’ll be able to share innovative ideas and strategies that can improve your online presence, attract more customers, and increase revenue.

 2. Previous Experience in Marketing

It is crucial to work with a digital marketing virtual assistant who has previous experience in marketing and a deep understanding of marketing strategies. Hiring someone who’s already familiar with the strategies and tools can help cut down the training time. For example, if you need a social media manager, it would be best if they’re already familiar with social media channels and tools like Hootsuite and Hubspot.

3. Time Management Skills

Today’s competition is quite fast-paced. What could be trending today may not be useful in a few weeks or even days. Plus, if you’re hiring a digital marketing virtual assistant to handle various digital marketing campaigns, then they’ll need to be extra mindful of their time. They need to know how to prioritize projects to meet deadlines and make the most of your marketing budget.


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4. Excellent Communication Skills

Before you hire a digital marketing virtual assistant, you need to check if they can communicate effectively and professionally. It doesn’t matter if they’re handling social media management tasks or creating content plans for your business; they must be excellent communicators.

Digital marketing virtual assistants must have excellent communication skills. They need it when collaborating with both internal and external clients. They need to be able to listen and give suggestions in a professional manner. In some cases, they’ll also be interfacing with consumers, so they must adopt a customer-centric tone to represent your business well.

5. Attention to Detail

Your digital marketing virtual assistant must be detail-oriented. When they create content that’s for public consumption, they need to make sure that everything meets the brand’s guidelines and regulatory requirements. And, of course, all copy must be engaging and relevant on top of being grammatically correct.

These are essential skills and qualities a virtual assistant should have if they want to become an effective digital marketer.

Are you planning on building a remote team of VAs for your digital marketing efforts? Let our Growth Experts help you find the right VA candidates for your business!


Essential qualities of a digital marketing VA


How Do I Hire a Virtual Assistant for Internet Marketing? Guide to Hiring a Marketing Assistant

If you’re looking to hire an internet marketing assistant, you have a couple of options to choose from. You can hire virtual marketing assistants from a freelancer marketplace, hire an in-house employee, or hire a digital marketing virtual assistant through a remote staffing company.

Hiring an In-House Employee for Digital Marketing Efforts

Hiring in-house staff for digital marketing assistant duties is very similar to hiring other in-house office-based team members. These are the usual steps you and your recruitment lead might take when hiring in-house:

  • Create a solid job listing with a complete job description
  • Post this job ad in relevant career portals or on your company website
  • Check and shortlist resumes submitted
  • Conduct interviews and assign a short test task
  • Check references and background information
  • Make an offer to the chosen candidate
  • Onboard and train the new employee

Quick Guide to Hiring a Freelancer

Getting freelance services is straightforward but can be time-consuming. Just like when hiring an in-house employee, you need to be able to invest time and energy to recruit and onboard a freelance digital marketing virtual assistant. The only difference would be the contract terms. Freelancers are free to work with multiple clients at once.

Another thing to remember is that when you hire from an online freelancer platform, you’ll have to vet your candidates yourself. This includes checking references, running background checks, conducting skills assessments and attitudinal checks, interviewing candidates, and onboarding them. It may also involve training the freelancers to make sure their work will meet your standards. All of these can take weeks and even months—time a busy entrepreneur may not have.

You should also note that there can be times when the freelance digital marketing VA you hire ends up not being a good fit for the job, which means going back to square one in the hiring process. This is why having someone else handle the screening, vetting, training, and onboarding processes is often the most practical and cost-effective hiring solution.

Working with a Remote Staffing Agency

A top-notch remote staffing agency will most likely have a pool of virtual assistants. You can consult with them to discuss the staffing needs of your business. After your consultation, they’ll find suitable candidates for your approved job description.

Working with an experienced virtual staffing agency can save you valuable time and energy. All you need to do is to be specific with the tasks you need help with. It could be social media marketing, email marketing, content creation, and so on. The virtual staffing company will handle the rest: screening, recruiting, and onboarding your digital marketing virtual assistant. And the best remote staffing solutions agencies also offer additional services to make working with Digital Marketing VAs that much easier. These services include VA performance tracking, in-house training, payroll processing, and more.

Find out why you should work with a virtual assistant agency. Alternatively, you can contact our Growth Experts to learn why working with 20four7VA is your best virtual staffing move.


Let 20four7VA Help You Find the Right Virtual Talent

If you’re a business owner, you’re most likely busy with other high-priority tasks. Hiring the best candidate for the digital marketing virtual assistant can be time-consuming. So if you want to get top-notch talent without having to sacrifice days or even weeks out of your busy life, then let 20four7VA help!

Why Choose 20four7VA?

Many remote staffing companies exist, so why choose 20four7VA for your digital marketing virtual assistant needs? Here are three top reasons why we should be your virtual staffing agency of choice.

  • Cost-effective Staffing Solutions

If you want to save money without sacrificing the quality of work, then choosing 20four7VA is your best bet. We have more than a decade of experience providing cost-effecting remote staffing solutions to clients worldwide. We work on customizing the best solution for your business needs based on the information we get from the no-strings-attached consultation call.

  • Multi-awarded Remote Staffing Company

Our company has been recognized by international institutions. We are both honored and even more inspired to continue our mission. We aim to keep helping businesses grow and find rewarding career opportunities for remote talents.

    • 2022 Inc. 5000, Honoree
    • Time Doctor OA500 2023, Honoree
    • Top 100 Staffing Companies to Work for in 2023
    • Top 100 Staffing Leaders to Watch in 2023 at the World Staffing Summit
    • Certified Women-owned Small Business (WOSB) by the Small Business Administration

The above achievements remind us that we’re contributing to a better, more inclusive virtual assistant workplace. They encourage us even more, to continue improving and helping more clients and virtual assistants across the world.

  • End-to-End Virtual Staffing Services

Interested business owners start with a consultation call to discuss their pain points and how customized remote staffing can address those pain points. Through this call, we get to know more about your business and staffing requirements. Then we’ll send you a list of shortlisted digital marketing virtual assistant candidates.

But our services don’t stop with the hiring process for the right digital marketing virtual assistant for your business. We provide complete support, including the following:

    • Onboarding your new virtual marketing assistant
    • In-house training and upskilling
    • Dedicated client account managers
    • Virtual assistant performance management
    • HR services (time-tracking, payroll processing, etc.)
    • IT Helpdesk
    • And more

So if you’re looking to hire a digital marketing virtual assistant, look no further than 20four7VA. We’ve helped over 2500 clients find the right virtual assistant staffing solutions. And we can do the same for you!

Ready to hire a Digital Marketing VA for your growing business? Claim your free consultation session with 20four7VA today!


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