Email Marketing Tips for E-commerce Startups

 In Client Tips

When starting an online business, you’ll surely find a ton of challenges along the way. Nevertheless, if you carry out your marketing strategies correctly and if you are patient enough to ensure that every aspect ties up seamlessly with each other, you will find yourself reaping valuable long-term benefits for your brand.

In the case of email marketing, you only need to remember five things to do it right. Always remember these tips when creating emails for your clients; you’ll likely get more conversions and be able to form better relationships with your customers.

Email marketing tips for startups and entrepreneurs.

Build Your Email List

Take time to build up your email list. Otherwise, you will end up wasting your efforts on sending your messages to just a few people. You can also weed out your list to include only those clients who are best suited for a specific type of content. Moreover, you can categorize your email subscribers according to age, location, interests, etc. This way, you can send tailored messages to people who will actually be interested.

Write a Killer Subject Line

The subject line is the very first thing that recipients will see; that’s why it should be concise yet descriptive and catchy. Of course, when your subject line is able to capture your reader’s’ attention, the open rate of your email will increase as well. Although a high open rate doesn’t directly mean that you will get the conversions you want, it can still give you a better chance of communicating with your clients and building lasting relationships with them.

Ensure that Your Email Copy is Well-written

Sure, a creative subject line will make your clients open your message, but your email copy will ultimately tell your readers if it’s worth subscribing to your newsletter and receiving content from you. Make sure that your messages are written nicely — no grammar or spelling mistakes, no huge chunks of text that are difficult to read, and no fluff. If you feel that you won’t be able to write compelling subject lines and content, it would be best to get the services of a virtual assistant whose expertise is in copywriting.

Use a Clean and Organized Layout

The design of your email has an immediate impact on your readers, so keep your layout clean and simple. Ensure that there is a balance between the visuals and the written content, meaning images shouldn’t take away the spotlight from your message. Your email design should also be responsive so that it still looks good when viewed on different devices.

Make Your CTA Noticeable

Your CTA button should be able to grab the attention of readers instantly, and it shouldn’t be hard to find. Make sure that it’s big enough to be seen and that it doesn’t sit too close to your content. Furthermore, your CTA must contain words that will inspire or compel your clients to take action.

Follow these simple tips and you will certainly see a rise in the open rate and conversion rate of your emails. Moreover, you will be able to prevent huge amounts of unsubscribes and strengthen your relationships with your customers. Bring in the expertise of a part time virtual assistant to help you with your email marketing; it will definitely make it a lot easier for you.



Next:  Top 5 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Social Media Marketing


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