45 Ways a Virtual Executive Assistant Can Help You

 In Business Development, Client Tips

Business owners don’t just make executive decisions that determine the success of their company. Their daily workflow also impacts day-to-day operations as well as work culture. This level of influence has massive rewards, but it demands hard work, patience, and a lot of sacrifice. Often, your executive duties can rob you of your personal time. Before long, the pressure of running a business can take its toll on your health and passion for business. 

Fortunately, you can stay on top of your responsibilities and still enjoy what you do by hiring executive assistants. 

What is a Virtual Executive Assistant?

A virtual executive assistant is a remote worker who can help you with your managerial responsibilities in a sustainable way. An executive VA will help ease your workflow and free up your calendar without adding organizational pressure. Most remote assistants are also willing to work on a flexible schedule, which means they can take care of business during off hours. 

The question is, where should you hire an executive VA? Here are 2 common ways to get virtual executive assistant services:

  • Direct Hire
    There are many online platforms where business owners can post virtual executive assistant jobs. Facebook groups or websites like Upwork help entrepreneurs connect with freelancers who can do a wide range of jobs, including executive tasks. There are also other websites where entrepreneurs can post a job listing for freelancers to bid or send a proposal to. Here are 15 websites where you can connect with freelancers. 
  • Staffing Agencies
    Entrepreneurs can also partner with staffing agencies to help them find the most suitable VA for their needs. Agencies like 20four7VA prescreen virtual assistants to gauge their strengths and experience level. Although employers can stay as involved in the hiring process as they see fit, virtual executive assistant salary distribution, training, and management are all taken care of by the staffing agency.

45 Ways an Executive VA Can Make Your Life Easier

  1. Calendar Management

    You’d be surprised by how much your workflow will improve with an organized calendar. Calendar management goes beyond plotting certain tasks on certain time slots or days. It also means prioritizing appointments or workload so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. Make sure you have an executive virtual assistant to organize your daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. 

  2. Setting Up Appointments

    Along with calendar management comes setting up appointments. Maybe you need to meet up with clients to strike-up deals. You may need to have a sit-down dinner with partners to discuss plans. If you have an executive virtual assistant, you wouldn’t have to worry about booking tickets or reserving a venue because they can take care of it for you. All you need to do is prepare for your meeting and show up. 

  3. Email Management

    Any business owner or CEO knows that emails from investors, partners, staff, and customers can quickly pile up. You wouldn’t want to miss important or time-sensitive messages because of a disorganized Inbox. Although email providers have built-in filters and ways to organize emails, an executive VA can further filter out unimportant messages and ensure that you don’t miss anything important. 

  4. Correspondence

    Today, entrepreneurs enjoy multiple communication platforms. The downside of having multiple channels, however, is that you have a lot more platforms to keep an eye on. Good thing you can trust an executive virtual assistant to take care of your correspondence on different channels.

  5. Making and Answering Calls

    Making and answering phone calls sounds like a simple task. But consider having to make several outbound calls in a day or listening to an unrelenting ringing phone while you’re in the middle of an important task. Having a virtual executive assistant can help you avoid this issue.

  6. Sending Out Thank-You Notes or Greeting Cards

    Sending out digital or printed thank-you notes and greeting cards can improve your business relations by leaps and bounds. Whether it’s sending a birthday greeting to a loyal customer or creating a holiday greeting to partners, your executive VA can take care of it for you. 

  7. Live Chat Support

    Instead of having to scour your website for answers or information, customers can just chat with your executive VA instead. Having live chat support also ensures that issues are taken care of promptly, therefore minimizing customer dissatisfaction. Whichever way it functions, live chat support can improve the overall experience of customers. 

  8. Setting Up Auto-Responders

    You can use auto-responders to turn website visitors into subscribers. You can use it to welcome new customers or remind buyers of their unfinished shopping. Delegate the tasks of writing and setting up auto-responders to your executive VA, so you only need to review them for approval. 

  9. Managing an Email List

    An email list segments your clients according to their demographics and communication preferences. It can help you analyze customer data or re-engage with dormant customers. Don’t miss out on the many benefits of having an email list by having a VA create and manage it for you.

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  1. Research

    What topics are trending in your industry? Are there more cost-effective tools than the ones you’re using? How do your competitors handle the same issues you are struggling with? Research is inevitable in business. Good thing most VAs are skilled in research work.

  2. Creating Buyer Personas

    A buyer persona is a semi-fictional character that represents your ideal customer. Your executive VA can research about your target audience and use the collected data to narrow down common factors about them to create a buyer persona. Once you have it, a buyer persona can help you make targeted campaigns and improve product features.  

  3. Noting Meeting Minutes

    Focus better during meetings by not having to worry about documentation. Discussions will go as smoothly as possible if you know you have your executive VA to transcribe or document meeting points. 

  4. Creating Reports

    Creating reports can be time-consuming, but it is inevitable when you’re running a business. Fortunately, creating reports for different purposes is a skill that executive assistants have.

  5. Making Travel Arrangements

    Need to go to a convention or meeting? Your executive VA can take care of your travel arrangements, whether it’s booking a flight or accommodation. 

  6. Setting Up Social Media Accounts

    Build your online presence by having a business page on different social channels. Your executive VA can create your account on different platforms.

  7. Social Media Management

    Your social profiles must show constant activity and updated info. Because having multiple accounts can be a lot of work, you can delegate social media management to your executive VA.

  8. Blog Management

    A business blog improves the customer experience in many ways. Your executive assistant can schedule or create posts, moderate comments, and upload visuals to your blog.

  9. Reputation Management

    One of the downsides of fast digital media is that bad customer experience can quickly go viral. Don’t let this happen to you. Have your executive VA monitor your digital channels including social media and any review websites to quickly resolve customer issues.

  10. Data Entry

    Data entry is a laborious task, but one that is unavoidable in business. Free up your time and focus on your core duties. Delegate data entry tasks to a virtual executive assistant.

  11. File Management

    Ensure that your documents, customer information, and other important business information are kept safe and organized. File management is a task that many executive VAs are well-versed in. 

  12. Transcription

    Transcribing video or audio materials into a written one can be tricky. Luckily, you can also hire an administrative assistant with transcription skills and experience. 

  13. Client Invoicing

    Your VA can create a template and set up client invoicing for you. This task can also include following up on payables and processing refunds. 

  14. Bookkeeping

    Many VAs are trained in bookkeeping basics. Instead of hiring a third-party accountant, your VA can take care of bookkeeping for your business.

  15. Creating Graphics

    Graphics improve info consumption. Help clients understand and remember your posts by having your VA create infographics, blog banners, or social media visuals.  

  16. Proofreading/Editing

    Your executive VA can proofread proposals, emails, or other content you write for print or digital publication. 

  17. Uploading Videos

    Videos are a powerful marketing tool. Have your VA upload and monitor video content on different platforms. 

  18. Answering Comments

    The comments section of your blog or social channels can help you answer inquiries, solve problems, and engage with customers. Don’t miss out on this opportunity by having an executive VA moderate and answer comments for you. 

  19. Email Marketing

    Many customers prefer receiving promotions via email. Let your executive VA take care or oversee email marketing for you. Here are 6 tips for inspiration. 

  20. Updating Digital Content

    New business hours? Updated contact details? Your VA can ensure your digital properties always display correct business or product info. 

  21. Keyword Research

    Fill your digital content with keywords that rank high on search engines. The secret? The right set of keywords that your VA can research and compile for you. 

  22. Scheduling Postings

    Meet deadlines and stay up-to-date with your content calendar. Your VA can set up content postings so that your media are published seamlessly across different platforms. 

  23. Data Analytics

    Because many VAs are well-versed in different business tools, they can interpret results for you. That way, you can gauge website or campaign performance and plan accordingly. 

  24. Backing Up Files

    Don’t lose or compromise important business data by having your VA back up your files. Most VAs know the best tools and workarounds for securely backing up or restoring data. 

  25. Database or Spreadsheet Management

    Document product specs, store client details and update business info. Because your business handles a lot of important data, it’s important to have an assistant manager and update your database closely.  

  26. Monitoring Industry News

    Stay in the loop of your industry. Know the hottest trends and latest scoop by having your VA monitor industry news for you. 

  27. Competitor Research

    How do similar companies deal with your struggles? What makes the same customers prefer your competitors? Find out and strategize better by having your VA research about your competitors. 

  28. Business Tools Research

    Find more productive and less pricey tools to improve your day-to-day operations. Your VA can research, sign up, and test runs business tools on your behalf. 

  29. Preparing Training Materials

    Have a new product or work process? Ensure your team is up-to-date by having your VA prepare the proper training materials. 

  30. Training New Employees

    Expanding your team? Make sure everyone knows your processes and products. Your VA can train new employees to help them with onboarding. 

  31. Tracking Performance or Deliverables

    Make sure your goals are met and metrics are passed by yourself or your team, by having your VA track and monitor deliverables.

  32. Project Management

    From goal setting to project delivery and result tracking, project management needs close monitoring. Hiring dedicated assistants can help your team manage projects more efficiently.

  33. Preparing Slideshows or Presentations

    Deliver presentations with impact and confidence. Your assistant can take care of slideshows and graphics, so you can focus on your presentation instead. 

  34. Discussion Forums or Message Board Participation

    Another way to boost online presence is by being active in forums and message boards. This is another task that you can delegate to your VA. 

  35. Scale with Your Business

    Need an extra pair of hands for a seasonal sale? Need to trim down on hours on slower months? Because virtual assistance is a flexible setup, your executive VA can scale with your business. 

  36. Personal Errands

    You can focus on your core business duties if you don’t worry about your personal responsibilities. Ease up on personal errands by having your VA run them for you. 

An entrepreneur needs support to develop their craft, stay creative and passionate about what they do, and manage day-to-day operations. An executive virtual assistant can help you with the latter. Hire a virtual executive assistant from 20four7VA today. 

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  • jeogilyn borcillo

    Nice post it is very informative!

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