10 LinkedIn Statistics Business Owners Need to Know

 In Business Tools & Apps, Client Tips

linkedin statistics


LinkedIn is far behind social media brands like Facebook when it comes to the number of users. However, if LinkedIn statistics are any indication, it is a social platform that business owners cannot afford to miss. While Facebook has a larger user base, LinkedIn definitely has a superior business networking value.


10 LinkedIn Statistics to Know

10 LinkedIn Stats Every Business Owner Needs To Know in 2021_01

  1. LinkedIn has more than 722 million members in over 200 countries and territories across the globe.

    LinkedIn may not be the top social platform with the biggest user base, but over 722 million members are still hard to ignore, especially when the subscription base membership of its users is considered. This means that LinkedIn members have a specific intent. The social platform is in fact a professional network, having been created with the aim to create economic opportunities for people across the globe. Entrepreneurs who want to expand their network to look for a business partner, service provider, investor, or client can find valuable data through LinkedIn more than any other social channel.

  2. 29% of American men and 24% of American women are LinkedIn users.

    Are you looking for a female blogger to help you write articles pertaining to the interests of women? You can find many American professionals on LinkedIn. If you want to fine-tune your target demographics in terms of gender for whatever reason, then this LinkedIn statistic is for you.

  3. 51% of Americans with a college education are on LinkedIn.

    Businesses that require college degrees from their service providers or partners can find many qualified candidates on LinkedIn. In fact, this social channel for professionals surpasses Instagram and Twitter in terms of college-educated users.
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  4. 4 out of 5 LinkedIn users make business decisions.

    Are you looking for a target audience with seniority in their niche? Do you want to influence people who make important company decisions? LinkedIn is a rich turf to look for business decision-makers. The social network is home to 63 million decision-makers and 10 million C-level executives. This is such a powerful LinkedIn statistics to know if you are looking for possible business partners and target audience.

  5. 94% of B2B Marketers make use of LinkedIn as a content distribution channel.

    LinkedIn is far more than just a place to look for recruits, investors, or business partners. It is also a powerful marketing channel. In fact, many B2B marketers believe in its advertising potential, with 94% of B2B marketing professionals using the platform for content distribution. If you are creating content for college-educated professionals or company executives, know that LinkedIn is an excellent place to publish it.

  6. LinkedIn has been rated as the top social channel for lead generation.

    Market to who matters. This is the tagline of LinkedIn’s marketing solutions resource — and aptly so. The website is dubbed as a professional social network for good reason. For one thing, it is home to 433 million professionals, many of whom are in the executive or senior levels. In a report published by LinkedIn, the channel has cited various studies supporting its claim to fame as the top social media for lead generation.
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  7. LinkedIn content impressions far exceed job postings.

    If you still think that LinkedIn is just a recruitment platform, think again. The social channel has 15 times more content impressions than job postings. This means that its members are in it not just to network or look for clients. They also use the network to keep abreast of industry news and continuously learn. LinkedIn is a prime channel to establish your authority in the industry or credibility as a company. This LinkedIn stat also complements the finding that the channel is a top place for lead generation. Need help in generating quality content? Hire a content writer virtual assistant to help you plan and create top-notch content for your page and linked websites.

  8. 70% of potential customers regard LinkedIn as a trusted source of information.

    The digital world doesn’t come without pitfalls, one of which is the proliferation of fake news. There are only a few networks that people regard as credible sources of information, and one of them is LinkedIn. LinkedIn presents rich opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to keep growing as a brand and nurture their reputation as an industry expert.

  9. 280 billion LinkedIn feed updates are viewed yearly.

    Don’t stop at creating a LinkedIn profile. Make sure to update it regularly and link your relevant works and partnerships. Remember that content impressions now outweigh job postings on LinkedIn. The network crunched the numbers and verified that 280 billion feed updates are viewed by members annually. So, more than just having a profile to be visible in the network, make sure to also share up-to-date content that will help you grow.

  10. More than 30 million businesses are on LinkedIn.

    While it is good to water the grass on your side of the fence, it also pays to be in the know about what’s happening on the other end — at least, as far as business competition is concerned. LinkedIn is home to over 30 million businesses. If you are not on the network, your competitors will be. Don’t let similar companies snatch away your target audience by being absent or inactive on LinkedIn.

6 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Brand

LinkedIn is a prime channel to grow your brand, and knowing these LinkedIn stats is just the start. The question to ask next is, how do you use these LinkedIn stats for your 2021 growth strategy?

Here are 6 ways you can grow your brand through LinkedIn in 2021:

  1. Complete your profile.

    Service providers and business executives flock to LinkedIn. On a professional social networking site such as LinkedIn, it pays to have a complete profile. This means uploading a professional photo to go with your profile, creating a catchy and substantial summary, and highlighting your recent works and relevant skills or offered services. Completing your LinkedIn profile will not only make your page appear active. It will also be a crucial factor in attracting leads, creating collaboration opportunities, and establishing credibility. Here are more tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile .

  2. Be searchable.

    Help the right people find you. Optimize your LinkedIn page for search by incorporating the best keywords in your profile. Much like creating a quality article, optimizing LinkedIn profiles should be done using well-placed, relevant keywords. Keywords should be descriptive and relevant to what you do as a company. Just consider: what would your target audience type in the network when finding companies or services like yours?

  3. Outline your goals.

    Are you using LinkedIn to find like-minded entrepreneurs and future team members? Do you want to cash in on its marketing and sales potential? Whatever your reason for using LinkedIn, be sure to outline them clearly and specifically. This should help you come up with the best strategy on how to use it. This means knowing what and when to post in the network.

  4. Distribute content.

    Take a leaf out of many B2B marketers’ books and start using LinkedIn for content distribution. Apart from completing your profile, sharing content is another efficient way to show activity on the channel. Even more important, you can take advantage of the network’s rich engagement for industry-related content. Remember, content impressions on LinkedIn run higher than job postings, with feed updates racking up to billions per year.

  5. Cultivate your network.

    Just like any other social platform, the LinkedIn network requires work to grow. This means, asking your employees to follow your business page or share your posts or inviting clients to follow you in the network. You can also cultivate your network by linking your LinkedIn profile to your digital platforms and print materials. Another effective way of growing your network is by boosting other brands. If you chance upon interesting articles or profiles, don’t hesitate to share. After all, cultivating one’s network needs more collaboration than competition.

  6. Check your results and experiment.

    LinkedIn may be a social channel, but it is also a lavish marketing turf. Make sure to utilize the network’s analytics tool to measure your page results. Through LinkedIn analytics, you will be able to identify your number of followers including how many you gained in the past month. You can also check your page views and unique visitors as well as the number of likes and shares you gained over a certain period. Use the data you collect from LinkedIn analytics to tweak your strategy until you gain your desired results. For starters, you can make your content ideas more diversified. Other than company updates and job postings, you can also add industry news and employee features to your content mix.

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn is a unique social channel in that it presents opportunities for entrepreneurs that cannot be found in other media. It is a talent pool of well-educated and influential users. It provides opportunities for sharing content, generating leads, and expanding one’s network, whether you’re looking for partners, employees, or clients. Whatever your business goals are for 2021, use these LinkedIn statistics to get you there.



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