5 Compelling Reasons You Should Hire A WordPress Virtual Assistant

 In Business Development, Client Tips

5 Compelling Reasons You Should Hire A WordPress Virtual Assistant


It doesn’t matter what industry your business is in; a website is a must-have in this digital age. Your web presence is key if you want to engage with potential clients and increase visibility for your business.

Luckily, there are dozens of open-source content management systems like WordPress that you can take advantage of to build your website. However, the task of creating a functional and fully responsive website may not be your forte, or you may not have enough time to work on it. This is why you need a WordPress virtual assistant (VA) to help start and maintain your website.




WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch or improve an existing one. It’s the most popular CMS in the world, powering over 30 million websites.




A WordPress virtual assistant is a professional who provides assistance with WordPress-related tasks remotely. They can help you with anything from website design and development to content creation, social media marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). WordPress assistants can help you troubleshoot issues and recommend changes to improve your current web design or user experience. For example, they can recommend adding the right calls-to-action (CTAs) for your customer journey stages or adding contact forms for interested clients.

A WordPress VA can either work with you on an hourly basis or take on a full-time role, depending on your needs.


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What does a WordPress virtual assistant do




The actual tasks that WordPress virtual assistants can support you with may vary depending on your business needs and the virtual assistant’s skills or specialization.

Here are six common tasks that WordPress virtual assistants can support you with:


Whether it’s highlighting your products’ features or increasing newsletter sign-ups, a WordPress virtual assistant will design each page carefully to meet your business objectives or user journeys.


Managing a website may take up a lot of your time—time that can be used for other core tasks or on developing revenue-generating projects. A WordPress VA can support you by taking the time-consuming task of updating and reviewing your website off your to-do list.


Your website should look good, but it should also have quality content that engages your audience. A WordPress virtual assistant can turn your website from just an online listing for your company profile or contact information into an interesting and engaging hub for your target audience. Examples of engaging content can be blog posts, infographics, video content, client reviews, and more.

Find out what a Content Writer VA can do for your business.


A WordPress virtual assistant can provide support by troubleshooting issues, finding broken links, or doing website maintenance tasks. They can also help you by setting up analytics on the website so you can track the number of website visitors, average load time, average session length, and more.

Explore 20four7VA’s comprehensive IT development and design services.


Search Engine Optimization is the practice of improving the ranking of a website on search engines like Google and Bing. A WordPress virtual assistant can help you with this by conducting keyword research, optimizing website content, and building backlinks.


Skilled WordPress virtual assistants can integrate your existing third-party applications like Salesforce or Google Analytics to your WordPress site. This allows for a more seamless way to collect, store, and analyze data.

Additionally, you can integrate your social media accounts to share engaging content like blog posts, videos, or client testimonials across different platforms while encouraging visitors to follow you on social media.

Want to learn more about what WordPress virtual assistants can do for your business? Talk to our Business Growth Team today!


Reasons you need a WordPress virtual assistant




Now that you know what a WordPress virtual assistant is and what they can do for you, here are five reasons why you need to hire one:




Hiring a virtual assistant (VA) is a smart staffing solution for business owners aiming to improve productivity. Not only do you have access to WordPress virtual assistants all over the world, but you also don’t have to worry about the costs of hiring an on-site employee, like getting new computers, office supplies, additional furniture, etc. A virtual assistant is equipped with their own tools that will help them provide all the services an in-office worker can do for you, including building the company website with WordPress.

Hiring a WordPress virtual assistant is also a more cost-efficient solution than getting the services of a web design business. Aside from the cost, hiring a web design agency may not be a good option if you’re hoping to have someone manage your website long-term.




Your website is often your first chance to make a first impression on potential customers. While it’s true that first impressions may not always last, you still want your company to put its best foot (or webpage) forward and showcase your company profiles and products.

A WordPress designer virtual assistant can help you create a website that looks good, is easy to navigate, and fits your brand’s identity. The look of your website can be easily adjusted with the following WordPress elements:

  • WordPress theme
  • Main menu or navigation bar
  • Layouts for the homepage and inner pages
  • Color palette
  • Media (videos and images)
  • Contact forms
  • And more!

WordPress virtual assistants can help with the selection of WordPress themes, plugins, and add-ons to make your website more functional. They’ll make recommendations on what would work best for your brand and collaborate with you to build a website based on your company’s objectives.




To set yourself apart from the competition, you not only need a website that looks good but functions well, too. It should be compatible with both mobile devices and desktop computers. It’s also important to have an easy-to-navigate and responsive design so that visitors will have a pleasant experience on your site—turning them from potential clients to actual customers. This can be possible with the help of a skilled WordPress virtual assistant.

In addition to being compatible with different devices and easy to use, your website should load quickly. If your visitors see a loading icon for more than a few seconds, many will quit their session before making a purchase or even browsing your website. A WordPress VA can help you make sure that your web pages are optimized and media files are minimized without sacrificing quality.




Websites that are SEO- friendly are beneficial for businesses for several reasons, including:


A high-ranking website can keep your business at the top of customers’ minds. And when they do visit your page, make sure that it’s fully functional and engaging enough to turn online visitors into customers for your product or services. WordPress virtual assistants can help you with both on- and off-page SEO to ensure that your website is properly optimized for search engines.


An optimized page can also help build trust and credibility for your brand. This is because when your website appears on the first page of search engine results, it gives off the impression that you are a reliable source of information, products, or services.


An optimized website expands your reach as it makes you accessible to a wider audience. People from all over the world can find your site when they search for keywords related to your business. As a result, you build a following of potential leads, customers, or advocates.




Having an updated website is essential to keeping your business afloat. It’s one of the most important tools that you have to reach and engage customers. If you’re not regularly updating your site, you’re missing out on potential leads and sales. But unless you have someone dedicated to managing your website, chances are, updates will be few and far between. This is where a WordPress virtual assistant can be a lifesaver.




Instead of using your valuable time figuring out WordPress on your own, you can rely on a skilled virtual assistant to build and maintain a high-quality site that meets your business goals, is user-friendly, and ranks at the top of the search engines. By hiring a WordPress virtual assistant, you can focus more on the operational side of your business and create growth strategies.

Need more information on the benefits of hiring a WordPress Virtual Assistant? Claim your FREE consultation with our Business Growth Experts.


Skills to look for in a WordPress virtual assistant




Once you’ve decided that you need a virtual assistant to help you with your site, the next question is, what skills should you look for when hiring a new WordPress VA? The answer for this depends on what your objectives are and what tasks you will delegate to your virtual assistant. Here are some common skills that a WordPress virtual assistant should have:

  • WordPress development

    This is perhaps the most important thing to look for. A WordPress VA should have a deep understanding of how the content management system works “under the hood.” This way, they will be able to properly manage and troubleshoot any issues that may come up.

  • Web design

    It’s important to have a VA who has experience with web design and understands how to create beautiful, user-friendly, and engaging websites.

  • Search engine optimization

    Virtual assistants who know how to properly optimize a website are extremely beneficial. They will be able to help you ensure that your site is ranking high and stays visible online.

  • Content writing

    While some clients may prefer to write their own website content, a WordPress VA with writing skills can help craft blog posts and copy for your website.

  • Communication skills

    Clear and concise communication is key when working with a VA. You want to make sure that they are able to understand your objectives and instructions. They must also be able to relay their thoughts and recommendations regarding the project.

  • Content management

    A VA can help you with various content management tasks such as creating and scheduling posts, adding and updating pages, managing comments, and more.

  • Basic photo editing skills in Canva or Photoshop

    This may be a “nice to have” skill for some clients, but hiring someone with basic photo editing skills can save a lot of time when building a website. Instead of rerouting a graphic for a minor revision, the VA can handle it by themselves.

  • Creativity

    While WordPress has plenty of options and themes to choose from, you still need a VA with a creative eye. A creative VA will provide ideas that will help your website stand out.

  • Integrity

    This is a must-have quality for any virtual assistant. You need to be able to trust your VA to handle your projects with care and confidentiality.

  • Self-management

    Because the role is 100% remote and with limited supervision, a VA must be diligent with their work, including timekeeping and adhering to project deadlines.

  • Flexibility

    With the ever-changing digital business landscape, you need an adaptable VA that can pivot when needed. A VA must be flexible, especially when it comes to integrating comments or creative inputs regarding the project.


Hiring a WordPress virtual assistant




When hiring a WordPress virtual assistant, the most important step is identifying what tasks you need help with and what skills are required to complete those tasks. Once you have a good understanding of what you need, the next step is to start your search. Follow these steps to find the perfect WordPress virtual assistant for your business:


  1. Create a job description that will include the tasks that need to be done, required skills and experience, and how many hours/week you need the virtual assistant to work (example: full-time or part-time for 20 hours a week).
  2. Post your job opening on online job platforms or freelancing sites. Your job post should include a short company profile, the job description, and the salary range.
  3. Interview interested applicants to learn more about their work experience, relevant skills, and professional attitude.
  4. Assign a test task to shortlisted applicants to see their WordPress skills in practice and if their output matches what you want for your projects.
  5. It’s time to select from the shortlisted candidates and craft a job offer. Make sure to have backup virtual assistants just in case your first choice backs out or if they reject your offer.
  6. You can now onboard and train your new WordPress virtual assistant.


The above may seem simple enough but can actually take up a lot of your time. Posting on every relevant career site, collating and reviewing applications, and interviewing shortlisted candidates can be a lot to handle for a busy business owner like you.

To save valuable time and energy, work with a reputable virtual assistant company like 20four7VA.




  • Established remote staffing agency:

    20four7VA has over a decade of experience in the virtual assistant business. We’ve matched thousands of clients with the best virtual assistants for their business needs.

  • Dedicated customer support:

    We are committed to providing the best customer experience for our clients. Each client is assigned an account manager to ensure that concerns are addressed in a timely manner.

  • Fast turnaround:

We have a global talent pool of skilled remote workers, so we have a head start over competitors. We can provide candidates to clients within 48–72 hours of the job description approval.

  • IT Helpdesk:

    Our IT Helpdesk is always available to provide technical support to clients and VAs.

  • End-to-end HR services:

    Not only do we help clients through the recruitment and vetting phases, but we also proudly offer payroll, VA monitoring, and training support.

  • Impactful hiring:

    At 20four7VA, we’re passionate about breaking down barriers so that skilled individuals can access meaningful job opportunities, no matter where they are in the world.

  • Flexible workforce solution:

    Hire just one VA or a whole team of VAs. Hire for a long-term position or on a project basis. We don’t lock clients into a long-term contract. You can scale up or down depending on your business needs.

  • Stringent vetting and skills-testing:

    All 20four7VA virtual assistants undergo a multi-step screening process that includes background checks, skills assessments, screening for communication skills, personality assessments, and more.

  • Up to 80% savings on staffing costs:

    Hiring a virtual assistant from 20four7VA will help you save a significant chunk of your labor costs. Funnel this savings into things like project development and other business upgrades.

Learn more about how 20four7VA helps clients with their staffing needs.

Your website is your foot in a potential customer’s (virtual) door, so don’t waste the opportunity to make a great impression! Set yourself apart from the competition and stand out online by hiring a WordPress virtual assistant. A WordPress VA can help you create an awesome website that will be key to building an audience, reaching new markets, and skyrocketing sales.

Schedule a free consultation today to discover how hiring a WordPress Virtual Assistant can elevate your business!


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