5 Reasons You Need Small Business Support for IT

 In Business Development, Client Tips

5 Reasons You Need Small Business Support for IT

It’s a great time to start a business today, thanks to the number of tools and the quality of technology available. Solopreneurs, small business owners, and novice entrepreneurs are in a much better position than they were several years ago, what with the many ways that they can beat bigger competitors. However, there is still one area where corporations and bigger brands have an advantage over small businesses: having comprehensive, reliable tech services at their disposal. If you want go to the next level, getting IT support for your business might be the

The State of Small Business Support Services

There’s no doubt that all entrepreneurs want the best services for their company, but not everyone has the financial capacity and know-how to get them. Still, with the increasing demands of customers, unpredictable security threats, and fluctuating marketing trends, having solid small business support will get your company anchored and secured. Just look at these facts and figures:

small business support IT statistics

  • 80% of small businesses in the US ignore their digital potential. This includes not taking full advantage of data analytics and other online tools and software.
  • 27% of small businesses don’t have IT support.
  • 85% of small to midsize businesses admit that technology has enhanced their performance. This includes:
    1. Boosted customer satisfaction (60%)
    2. Reduced business operating costs (22%)
    3. Improved products or services (37%)

These numbers barely reveal the full influence of technology on business, but they’re enough to highlight the importance of business support services. Knowing the specific ways that it can help your company will brush away any hesitation you have left.

5 reasons why small businesses need IT support

  1. It strengthens your overall security.
    If you think you’re too small and unnoticeable to be targeted by cybercriminals, think again. According to a report, cyber attacks against small companies are increasing in severity and frequency and have, in fact, put many out of business. Hackers know that many startups and small establishments don’t have solid security systems, thus making them ideal prey. Protect your hard-earned assets, sensitive information, and business data by getting proper IT support. Having a support service means getting up-to-date programs and software that minimize, if not eradicate, threats to your security.
  2. It helps establish better business solutions.
    Finding the best programs and tools that fit your needs, budget, and goals can be a real challenge for the average person. Even with the plethora of tools out there, one still needs IT knowledge and training to source and optimize these resources. You need tech support to help you zero in on the proper tools that capture leads, enhance customer relationships, process orders, and manage data. Without expert help, you’re highly likely to spend more or choose tools that do not align with your situation.
  3. It increases productivity and works efficiency.
    The quality of your tools greatly enhances your workflow. When specialists establish the best solutions for your company, you can also establish smoother business processes that your entire team can use. Collaboration becomes easier when you follow systematic and reliable solutions using the most appropriate tools. Apart from an easy and convenient way of doing things, good business support also decreases downtimes. Server crashes, communication fails, and order process troubles would all be just a thing of the past!
  4. It enriches communication.
    Good communication is key to business success. You need it to pitch to investors and partners, market to new customers and keep existing ones, and collaborate with your team. From video conferences to customer chat support and remote project management, the multiple ways that businesses communicate get more advanced by the day. Because modern-day businesses communicate in different ways, you also need modern-day solutions.IT professionals can hook you up with the best communication tools for your business. They can advise you on which programs or plans best fit your budget or complement your needs. They can also offer help when you encounter crashes or need help navigating new tools.
  5. It takes care of data management and analytics.
    The more customers you get, the staff you employ, and the products you offer, the more data you need to manage. Because a growing business equates to growing files, you need a proper data storage and management systems in place. Proper data management also means knowing how to read the info you gather from the different tools that you use. Data analytics is important for making more strategic decisions, understanding your current business state, and knowing how to get to your goals. IT professionals can set up all these business support services, so you can easily access, securely store, and conveniently share information anytime anywhere.


Where to Find The Best Small Business Tech Support Services

Money is often the reason why many entrepreneurs shun the idea of getting proper tech support services. The good news is that there are now affordable business support for small businesses.

Outsourcing IT services is the ideal way for small-midsize establishments to strengthen their security, find the best business solutions, and improve overall performance. Working hand in hand with credible virtual staffing companies will help you find the most suitable person (or persons) for the job without worrying about the hiring and recruitment process. What’s more, outsourcing is a safe and legal way to go about small business human resource needs.

A comprehensive IT support and development setup includes:

  • Website Development
  • Web Server Setup and Management
  • Mail Server Backup and Maintenance
  • Google Business Suite Setup
  • Amazon Store Setup
  • Content Management System Setup
  • Shopify Store Setup and Management

With the availability of comprehensive tools and support today, there’s no reason that you should put your tech support needs on hold. Be on a par with bigger companies and take care of your security systems, data management, customer relations, and overall brand performance when you get small business tech support.

Ready to get started on building your tech support team? Schedule a free consultation call with us here so we can assess your tech support needs!

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  • Wp Minds

    I’m happy to say that I have learned new things from this article and I really appreciate your point of view and I also wan’na add: having reliable IT support is essential for any small business looking to thrive in today’s competitive market. It not only enhances security and productivity but also ensures smooth communication and data management

  • Levi Armstrong

    I like that you said that small businesses should consider investing in an IT support service because they can enhance modern-day business communication to investors, partners, and even clients. My husband and I are planning to open a marketing firm in the city since we both have sufficient experience in our two-decade careers in the field. I’ll tell him about what you said in the article so we can discuss hiring an IT support service once we open our business. Thanks a lot!

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