5 LinkedIn Post Ideas You Can Try

 In Client Tips

With more than 500 million users in over 200 countries, LinkedIn has indeed established itself as the world’s largest professional network. However, career opportunities are not the only things that you can find on LinkedIn nowadays. Aside from professionals, this social media network has also become a perfect place to promote businesses big or small.


If LinkedIn is included in your social media marketing strategy, you have to make sure that you can produce content that is relevant to its demographics, which is mostly composed of professional people. Now, if you and your social media VA are running out of ideas when it comes to content, here are some post ideas that you can try:

Company Updates

Sharing company updates, especially if it’s not about new products or services, may not be acceptable on Facebook or Twitter. However, LinkedIn is different. Since most professional people are found here, company updates or news won’t be out of place. You can post about your new office, a recent acquisition, or even new key hires in your organization. It’s a way to show transparency to your customers when it comes to your business.

Job Postings

Another type of post that may not be acceptable in other social media networks but is perfect for Linkedin are job postings. If you are looking to add more people to your team, LinkedIn is the best place to advertise since most professionals are there. Using your business page is also optimal especially if you already have a large following.

LinkedIn Blog Articles

Aside from professionals and career opportunities, LinkedIn is also known as a place to exchange ideas. In fact, anyone can write and publish articles using their own account. Make sure you take advantage of this by sharing various articles relevant to your audience on your company page. If you have members of your team who use the platform to show their expertise, it’s even better because you can share their articles to promote your business as well as your employees.

Employee Spotlight

One way that you can leverage LinkedIn to promote your business is by posting employee spotlights. Share stories of your employees on your company page from time to time. This will help inspire your audience and empower your team.

Industry News

Posting news about your industry is also a good idea. Just make sure that the news is positive and it helps your business look good. If you are running a small business, for example, you can share an article about how micro businesses thrive in today’s economy.

It may not be as big as Facebook or as fast-growing as Instagram, but LinkedIn has its own advantages. It’s a platform where you can be more flexible with your content as you can promote your products or services and market your company to potential investors and employees at the same time.

Do you have other content ideas that are perfect for LinkedIn? Come help your fellow business owners and share them with us!

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Next: 20 Business Ideas You Can Launch For Free

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