10 Best Practices to Create Killer Calls To Action in Your Emails

 In Client Tips

If you want to engage with your audience and convert potential customers to loyal customers, your business’ email marketing strategy should include effective call to action methods. Here are some tips and practices to create killer calls to action (CTAs) in your emails.

Make it special and personal

 Don’t write calls to action that’s generic. Make your call to action strategy personal; communicate with your customers on a first name basis. Create an atmosphere of exclusivity when creating your call to action. Make each recipient feel special as if you’re talking to them and only providing this promotion to them.

Invoke a sense of urgency 

Creating calls to action with limitations can encourage customers to act on your email quickly. Present your offer within a limited timeframe and with limited slots. This urges your readers to act on it now before losing the offer to someone else. The main idea is to have your customers respond to the call to action as soon as possible.

Use colors properly 

Using colors to present your email well is essential. Some people may take it for granted, but the proper presentation of your message is a big factor in gaining attention.  For example, when using buttons to register, purchase or subscribe; use green. Green is not only comforting for the eyes, it also sends a signal to proceed or go.


Keep it simple 

This is probably one of the most obvious but helpful tips in any email marketing strategy. Keep it simple and be straight to the point to get your message across quickly. Readers don’t want to spend so much time reading long messages. Keeping it short, simple and concise will do the trick. Attract your reader, get the message across and watch them respond positively to your requests.

Use Call to Action buttons 

Don’t make it difficult for your customers. Assist them by making it easy for them to respond to your Call to Action by using buttons. This is better than having them go through a long process just to register, start a trial offer, respond to an email, watch a video, etc.

Be sure it’s mobile friendly 

CEOs, young professionals, business owners, suppliers and potential customers; almost all of them use mobile devices to communicate and open their email messages. Make sure your emails are mobile friendly for your messages to be read properly and for them to be accessed easily.

As much as possible, don’t use graphics 

Putting your call to action message or important details in a picture or image may not be a good idea. It’s likely that your customers have turned off viewing images in their emails. If you’re going to use images, make sure that the details seen in the graphics are also written in text. This way, you still get the message across without costing you sales or positive response to your call to action.

Emphasize your CTA

Since the main purpose of sending out emails to potential/loyal customers is to urge a response to your calls to action, make sure you focus on this message. All efforts should be made to emphasize that they need to positively respond to your CTA. You’ll immediately grab attention once you use attractive headlines and a big green button to highlight the action they need to do. Don’t confuse your readers by adding different offers; make sure that your message only focuses on the CTA.

Repeating your CTA

 Since your aim is to reach out to new customers, it’s proper to make an effort with this. You can repeat your CTA in one message three times to send a strong message that you’re serious about your campaign. You can put your CTAs at the start of your email, the middle and at the postscript section. Some readers would rather read and focus on what is lastly written in the message. You can take advantage of this opportunity by having your CTA buttons or hyperlinks strategically included in your last message.

Troubleshoot, Test, and Experiment

 Don’t be afraid to test and experiment with your calls to action. By testing your CTAs, you can get the most out of your CTA campaign. Test the links if they are working; make revisions on keywords, subject lines, layout etc. Pool a group of your administrative assistants to help you out on this. Brainstorm and share ideas and from there, you can determine what grabs the attention of your potential customers most. You’ll find out what offers are more effective and what urges them to respond positively and in a timely manner to your CTA.

Attracting new customers will always be a priority of any business to keep the sales up and to continuously earn revenues for growth. An effective Call to Action campaign will immensely contribute to your business’ success. Your virtual assistant can apply the tips mentioned above to your email marketing campaign as you go about other matters of your business.


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