People of 20four7VA: Pauline

 In People of 20four7VA


People of 20four7VA: Pauline


Welcome to the People of 20four7VA series! Every month, we chat with a member of the team and find out what they do at 20four7VA, what they love about their role, and how they make remote work work.


This month, we will peek into the multimedia world with Pauline, our multimedia designer! She is responsible for designing image and video content for the company’s social media accounts. Her diligence and enthusiasm for accomplishing tasks on time make her shine in the digital marketing team.  

When not working on creative content, you’ll find Pauline traveling, drinking coffee, or probably watching Netflix. Let’s learn more about Pauline!


What do you do at 20four7VA?

I am a multimedia designer at 20four7VA. I am responsible for creating image and video content for the digital marketing team. I also collaborate with other teams on special tasks or projects. 

My typical day revolves around design. I ensure that the quality of my internal and client-facing output follows our company guidelines.

What do you enjoy most about working with 20four7VA?

What I enjoy most about working with 20four7VA is creating visuals for both internal and client-facing projects. 

Seeing my works getting published and shared is incredibly satisfying for me.


What are your top 3 tips for virtual assistants?

  1. Research and find your niche- Try to feed your curiosity and explore various fields to identify the niche you are passionate about. Understanding your strengths and interests will help you specialize and become more valuable to clients.
  2. Just do it- After researching and learning helpful tips and tricks, apply what you’ve learned to your work. Don’t be afraid of failing and not meeting expectations. Every experience is a learning opportunity, so allow yourself to grow by continuously honing your skills.
  3. Upskill- The industry is constantly evolving. This is why you need to stay updated on new tools and methods. Always take the initiative to learn new skills and improve your current skillset to remain competitive and efficient.

What’s the best advice you would give to someone just starting out at the company?

Be proactive and take initiative!

Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification when needed. Embrace a learning mindset and be open to feedback, as it’s essential for growth and improvement. 

Try building strong communication habits with your team and clients because this will strengthen your professional relationship with them. Try to embody the company’s values to align your efforts and contribute effectively to the team’s objectives.


What are your top tips for successful outsourcing/remote staffing? (Client-facing)

Given that my role is not primarily managerial and is more focused on direct client interaction, my main tip is good and clear communication. You need to address your plans and goals transparently to your virtual assistant (VA). By clearly outlining your expectations from the partnership, you can set a solid foundation for developing and building a strong relationship between the client and VA.


What’s a motto/philosophy you live by?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6, The Bible) 

Tell us about three things you love

Travel, coffee, Netflix and chill!

I love traveling and exploring new places. Experiencing different cultures, cuisines, and landscapes is incredibly enriching and inspiring. I enjoy coffee and discovering different coffee shops around and outside the Metro. When I find a new coffee shop, I hype it up so my friends can hang out with me in that spot. 

I spend my off days pampering myself by recharging or getting a massage. On some weekends you’ll find me eating my favorite snacks while watching Netflix in my cold room. 

Describe 20four7VA in one sentence

20four7VA is a dynamic environment where you wear many hats and help businesses thrive from the comfort of your home office.


Thanks for chatting with us, Pauline! 😊


Is a virtual assistant career the perfect next step for your skills? Explore our open jobs or ask us about becoming a VA! We’re always on the lookout for skilled remote workers like you!

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