
Graphic Designer Virtual Assistant

For visual design that inspires, hire a Graphic Designer Virtual Assistant!

What is a Graphic Designer Virtual Assistant?


First impressions can make or break your business. This is why visual marketing and branding materials such as your company logo, business cards, social media posts, and company website need to look amazing and represent your brand accurately. A virtual assistant graphic designer can help you with that.

For many startup companies and small businesses, hiring a professional graphic designer to join their team is a luxury they can’t afford. Some settle for logos or websites created using free online tools and software or hire different freelancers to work on various elements of their design. This usually results in disjointed designs and unprofessional-looking graphics.

Looking from the point of view of a potential client, would you do business with a company whose logo and website look amazing or with a company whose logo and website look like everybody else’s? A virtual assistant providing graphic design services will give you the perfect balance between professional results and cost-effective methods.

A virtual assistant graphic design expert can provide you with a cost-effect solution for your virtual graphic design needs, marketing materials, or branding needs. They work remotely and have their own computer and internet resources so you will definitely save money on overhead costs. Virtual graphic designers, especially overseas ones, also usually have lower hourly rates compared to local employees. On top of that, you can hire a graphic designer VA to work for you for as little as 10 hours per week or even on an as-needed basis.

What Can a Graphic Design Virtual Assistant Do for You?


Wondering what types of tasks a graphic design VA can do for you? Here are some common design tasks that you can outsource to a graphic design virtual assistant:

  • Logo & Business Card Design
    Creation of your brand’s main identifying marks and business cards for the company
  • Product Packaging Design
    Designing your product labels, packaging, and other product branding elements
  • Marketing Materials
    Creation of high-quality marketing collateral such as flyers, posters or banners for your offline informational or promotional campaigns
  • Digital Marketing Materials
    Creation of graphics for online ads, social media posts, and any other graphics used for online marketing purposes
  • Photo Editing & Photo Manipulation
    Editing product photos for your website or online store
  • Website Design
    Designing your company’s website, opt-in pages, landing pages, and other web development purposes
  • Email Design
    Designing your newsletters and email campaigns
  • 3D Graphic Design
    Creation of design for products, package prototyping & texturizing.
  • Illustration
    Creation of unique illustrations for a wide range of branding purposes

These are just a few of the different types of graphic design tasks that you can assign to a graphic design VA. If you want to know more, here are 30 Tasks for Your Graphic Designer Virtual Assistant.

What Skills do Graphic Designer VAs Need to Have?


Graphic designers need to have professional design training and experience. This means that they need to be adept at various graphic design tools and software in order to deliver beautiful, professional results. Three industry-standard tools and software that are practically considered essential knowledge for designers are:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator

Knowledge of the following can also be very useful:

  • Typography & Color Theory
  • Branding Basics
  • HTML & CSS
  • UI/UX Design

They also need to be very creative and innovative, and they must know and keep up with the latest design trends to ensure that the designs they do for your company will always appeal to your audience.

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How Do I Hire a Graphic Designer VA?

Hiring a virtual assistant to work on your graphic design tasks is much easier when you work with a full-service virtual staffing company like 20four7VA. 20four7VA takes care of the tedious parts of hiring a VA including pre-vetting VAs, matching you with potential VAs, setting up interviews, setting up and facilitating the onboarding process, monitoring your VAs, and dealing with various payroll and HR tasks.

So how do you get started? First, create a list of all the tasks you want to assign to your future graphic design VA. Next, create a list of tools or software that you will require them to use. Once you have these ready, it’s time to work with your virtual staffing company so they can start matching you with VAs with the right skill sets.

When screening the VA matches, don’t forget to look at their portfolios. This gives you actual proof of the quality of their work. It also helps you figure out if their design style suits your brand. Sometimes, you will find excellent graphic designers who just don’t have the same style as your company. Looking at their portfolio will help ensure that they don’t just have excellent design skills, their style also reflects your brand well.

Ready to get rolling? Schedule a FREE consultation with us today and let’s start finding your graphic designer virtual assistant!

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