How To Unlock New Insights With Top Market Research Companies

 In Business Tools & Apps, Client Tips

Unlock New Insights Top Market Research Companies


Uncertainty is not an easy thing to deal with. You need the right information to eliminate uncertainty and arrive at the best decision possible. However, getting and analyzing the right data takes resources, energy, and, most importantly, expertise. But don’t fret! When you work with the top market research companies, you could make sense out of the dynamic market and put your business in a better position to succeed.

Let’s learn why working with a marketing research firm is a must for business owners in this modern age. Plus, get to know some of the best research firms that can help you gain a better understanding of your audience and make more informed business decisions.


Why work with market research firms?

Working with a market research company gives you access to not only accurate and top-tier data but also helps you make the most out of your resources.


Why Work with a Market Research Firm?


Objectivity in data collection and analysis

Hiring a third party to help collect and analyze data for your business helps eliminate internal biases or preconceptions. You’re using your budget for experts to share their insights based on the qualitative and quantitative information available, not to tell you what you want to hear. By working with external researchers, you can ensure objectivity and count on getting accurate and unbiased insights.

Expert research services

The most experienced and biggest market research companies not only have a wide reach, they’re also filled with talented research experts. They’re specialists in gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data. They understand your requirements well and can craft the most apt methodologies to help you get the information you need to make more informed business decisions.

Increased efficiency

Because you’re working with experts in the field, you can count on them working as efficiently as possible. This allows you to save more time and resources, which you can invest in executing your new data-driven strategies.

Want to know how a market research virtual assistant (VA) can do for you? Schedule a free consultation session with our Growth Experts to learn how a VA can help you harness the power of information.

What market research companies can do for you

Here are some of the key functions and services a market research firm can do for you:

  • Market analysis
  • Consumer research
  • Competitive study
  • Product testing and development
  • Brand perception and equity study
  • Market segmentation
  • Trends analysis
  • Consulting and strategy
  • Online data analytics
  • And more

The above is just an overview of the type of services you can expect from a market research firm. But the right research services provider can customize their solutions and methodologies depending on your needs.

Top Market Research Companies USA

“These top research agencies have both reach and expertise to help businesses uncover insights,” advises Yash Motswani, 20four7VA’s Senior Data Analyst. “They’re experts in the field, so partnering with these firms can be a game-changer for a business of any size.”

Nielsen Holdings

Founded in 1923, Nielsen Holdings is a pillar of market research. This leading marketing research form is globally recognized as a trusted global measurement and data analytics provider. They provide businesses with a holistic and thorough understanding of the media industry.

Nielsen is one of the top market research agencies companies reach out to in order to optimize their marketing resources. The firm gives clients insights into the consumption habits of their target audiences across various platforms. With their top-data analytics, clients can make data-driven decisions and strategies. At the same time, Nielsen helps businesses measure the impact of their campaigns more accurately, allowing for continuous improvement.

Nielsen’s reputation and its proven track record make it an excellent choice for companies looking for advanced analytics and extensive market research consultancy services. The price range of their services may vary widely depending on various factors, from the specific services needed to the size of the client’s business. Generally, Nielsen may be a better fit for bigger organizations that can invest deeply in the expansive services that the firm offers.

To help you consider, here’s a quick list of Nielsen’s market research solutions:

  • Audience measurement
  • Cross-media measurement
  • Digital measurement
  • TV and streaming measurement
  • Media planning
  • Marketing optimization
  • Content metadata


Kantar is one of the biggest market research firms around the world, serving clients across a wide variety of industries, from fashion to finance. It has partnered with titans in the tech industry, including Google and Meta, showing how the firm plays a significant role in both studying and shaping today’s modern landscape.

The firm’s research services are top-notch, helping clients stay on the market’s pulse. It has the resources and reach—a 150-million-strong network of respondents—to perform qualitative research expertise, whether you need to carry out national surveys or study a niche audience. Kantar has also evolved with the times, using technology to better understand consumers. Their research capabilities now include virtual reality and eye tracking, giving clients a deeper understanding of what captures people’s attention.

If your organization can combine the best of both worlds, traditional paired with modern data collection, you should consider working with this well-established market research and consulting company.


Kantar offers a wide variety of services under its market research arm, including:

  • Qualitative research
  • Neuroscience and Behavioral Science
  • Virtual reality and eye-tracking
  • Survey design and fielding
  • Panels and audiences
  • Managed services
  • Quick managed surveys
  • And more


Ipsos was originally founded in France in the 1970s. But it has a tremendous presence across the pond. In fact, in 2023, the Americas accounted for 40% of the firm’s business in 2023.

Ipsos operates in over 90 countries and territories, making it one of the largest market research companies in the world. However, it’s not just its vast reach that makes it a top player in the industry. The firm’s decades of experience are anchored on its main guiding principle, which goes, “You act better when you are sure.” They value providing clients with accurate and relevant information, allowing for a true understanding of their target audience and the market they serve. Their focus on quality and innovation has made it possible for them to support businesses with tailored market research solutions, which include:

  • Consumer research
  • Brand research
  • Advertising research
  • Market entry and expansion studies
  • Public opinion surveys
  • Data analytics
  • Media research

The Hartman Group

The Hartman Group is a homegrown market research and consulting firm. It was founded in 1989 in Bellevue Washington, and has since been one of the best market research firms in the American food and beverage industry.

The firm has an exclusive focus on food and beverage, making it an excellent market research services provider for businesses looking to keep their hands on the pulse of the dynamic American food and beverage market. And because of decades of expertise in the food and beverage marketplace, they offer immense value to clients through their deep cultural understanding and demand-driven consumer insights. Their services include:

  • Qualitative and quantitative consumer research
  • Innovation and ideation
  • Foresight and trend analytics
  • Retainer 
  • Consulting


Founded in 2010, Lab42 is the “youngest” market research firm on the list. But this company has already carved its own place as one of the top market intelligence companies. Compared to the more established customer research companies, Lab42 is better suited for startups, entrepreneurs, and small & medium businesses. In contrast to the expensive services and large contract sizes of the major market research companies, Lab42 offers high-quality yet customizable customer research services.

The company’s structure is part of what makes them stand out. They allow clients to seamlessly and efficiently work with the research team by eliminating sales teams. At the same time, Lab42 prides itself in providing the highest data quality. So, if you’re an entrepreneur or SMB owner who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the digital age, subscribing to Lab42’s top-tier online surveys and digital research methodologies is an excellent choice.

Make the most out of working with the best marketing research companies by hiring a market research virtual assistant. Book a free consultation call with our Growth Experts to know what remote staffing can do for you.


“The data you will be getting from market research will affect most of your business decisions,” advises Motswani. “In a way, you’re putting a lot of trust in the customer research company you work with.” This means you need to be meticulous in choosing who you partner with. 

Aside from considering your budget, make sure to look into different factors. Make sure that the market research agency you’re thinking of working with is best suited for the industry you’re in. Their experience in the type of business you’re in gives them better insight into the research solutions you need. At the same time, you must look up a company’s reputation and reviews from past clients. These criteria will come in handy when it comes to deciding which market research company you will partner with to power your strategies.

Master data and data analytics with a market research virtual assistant. Schedule a free consultation call with our Growth Experts to hire a VA today.


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