How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Real Estate

 In Business Tools & Apps, Client Tips

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Real Estate


If you’re a real estate professional, you know how cutthroat and hectic the industry can get. A lot goes on between identifying a lead and closing a deal. All these processes require ample time and energy to ensure you get the best results. But keeping up with the competition means you need to do things better and faster. The solution? Hiring a real estate virtual assistant (real estate VA), of course!

If you want to know how to hire a virtual assistant for real estate and set your business up for success, we’ve got you covered. We’ll explore the why’s and how’s of hiring a top-notch VA for your business.

Why hire a real estate virtual assistant?

A real estate virtual assistant (REVA) is a remote professional who supports real estate agents or agencies with various tasks. They can work on routine tasks like database management and appointment scheduling or more industry-specific ones like cold-calling and buyer pre-qualification.

Want to learn more about how to scale your business with long-term remote staffing? Book a free consultation call with our Growth Experts today.

Benefits of hiring a virtual real estate assistant

When you hire real estate virtual assistant services, you can reap the many benefits that remote staffing has to offer.


Manage your time and to-do list: Routine tasks are crucial in running a successful real estate business. But they do demand a lot of your time, making it challenging to manage your time and take control of your task list.

If you need help completing tasks on your weekly to-do list, hiring a virtual assistant is a must. A REVA or real estate VA can work on tasks that are essential to your daily operations but can be time-consuming to complete. With a VA, you can check more tasks without risking burnout or losing precious time for other, more pressing tasks.


Get access to top-notch talent: By hiring virtual assistants real estate agencies can improve the way they do business. With remote staffing solutions, you can hire top talent who doesn’t simply get tasks done but get them done skillfully.

Plus, when you choose to get VA services, you open up your real estate business to a global pool of remote talents. VAs can offer support from the comfort of their own home or remote offices. This means you can focus on a candidate’s skills and experiences without worrying about their physical proximity to your office.

Remote staffing is also an excellent option for real estate professionals operating in a highly competitive labor market. So, if you want top-notch support to get your business to the next level, hiring a real estate VA is the way to go.


Focus on more high-level tasks: Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, shares that. “If you really want to grow as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to learn to delegate.” You need to be able to trust your team to be able to work both on growing your business and professional development. But to delegate, you need the right staff that you can trust to do quality work. That’s where hiring top-notch virtual assistants comes in.

By effectively delegating routine and time-consuming tasks to a VA, you can finally channel your energy on more high-level ones, including leading your staff and closing more deals. By doing so, you can grow your business, develop your skills, and nurture your team.

Boost your productivity with a real estate VA! Schedule a free consultation call with us to get started!

Entrepreneurs have to learn to delegate


How to hire a virtual assistant for real estate

“There are various types of VAs,” shares 20four7VA Client Services Manager Isa Serra. “You need patience to find the most suitable candidate for your staffing requirements.” You must invest your time and energy to ensure you reap the benefits of VA staffing.

Here are some helpful tips to help you hire the right VA for your real estate needs:

Determine the scope of work

Yes, by hiring a virtual assistant real estate agents can get a wide variety of tasks off their plate and focus on their core responsibilities. However, you must be clear about which specific tasks you need help with, as various tasks require different skill sets and experience levels.

So, before jumping into the process of screening candidates, you must first identify exactly what you need help with. To give you an idea, here are some of the tasks 20four7VA real estate virtual assistants can do:

Discover the best practices in virtual staffing and maximize this excellent alternative staffing solution. Contact our Growth Experts to get started.

Identify the skills you need to look for

Once you’ve finalized the types of tasks you want your real estate virtual assistant to work on, you can zero in on the skills that your ideal VA should have. When it comes to technical skills, you can refer to the tasks list you plan to delegate. Different tasks will require different types of skills. For example, suppose you’re looking to offload administrative tasks like file management and data entry. In that case, you might want to find someone with excellent organizational skills and proficiency in basic MS or Google Suite applications. On the other hand, if you need a helping hand with implementing your email marketing strategy, you should look for a VA with skills related to the role, such as copywriting and proficiency in essential marketing tools like Hubspot CRM or Mailchimp.

Aside from technical skills, make sure you also identify other “non-negotiable” qualities and soft skills. These are just as important as technical skills, as you need someone who will jive well with your culture and corporate values. Examples include excellent communication skills, resourcefulness, and willingness to learn and adapt.

Find top-notch VAs with highly sought-after skills by booking a free consultation session with our Growth Experts. We can help you hire and manage the best VAs for your business needs.

Write a job description

The final step before finally finding and screening applicants is writing a comprehensive job description or JD. This JD must include the scope of work and the skills needed for the role. It should also communicate other important details, including:

  • Benefits
  • Salary range
  • Application instructions
  • Your company’s overview

When you’ve finished crafting your JD, you can then go on job marketplaces to find your VA. However, this is easier said than done. Finding the most suitable VA for your requirements requires more than just posting an ad online. You must invest time in screening, interviewing, testing, and so on.

If you want to save time, money, and energy, why not leave it to a remote staffing expert like 20four7VA?

Partner with a trusted remote staffing company

Whether you’re looking to hire your first real estate VA or simply want better remote staffing options, 20four7VA should be your go-to partner. We’re an award winning virtual assistant staffing services provider with over a decade of experience. We’ve helped over 2,900 clients find the cost-effective staffing solutions they need to grow their businesses. And we can do the same for you!

20four7VA offers more than just matching you with a top-tier virtual assistant. 20four7VA client Greg Mills of RNI Enterprises says best: “The quality of work, communication, and value […] resulted in a very positive experience in hiring and working with my first VAs.”

Our end-to-end solutions allow you to reap the benefits of remote staffing with less hassle and stress. When you hire a 20four7VA virtual assistant, you also gain a support team that helps with everything from payroll processing and VA management to training and IT troubleshooting.



With a virtual assistant real estate professionals like you can grow their businesses without bloating costs. Hiring a VA helps real estate agents get out from behind their desks and focus on their core responsibilities. Depending on the type of tasks you plan to delegate, you can find VAs from all over the world who can support your business remotely, eliminating the need to compete in a tight local labor market and spending money on expenses like transportation allowances, new office equipment, and other costs related to hiring new in-house staff.

However, the path to getting the right virtual assistant can be demanding. You may need to invest a lot of your time, energy, and financial resources before you find the right VA. If you want to optimize resources and save valuable hours out of your already busy workweek, partnering with 20four7VA is key.

Ready to hire a real estate virtual assistant, close more deals, and take your real estate business to the next level? Book a free consultation call with our Growth Experts today!


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