Is Working From Home Right For You?

 In VA Work Tips and Best Practices

There’s no denying that virtual assistant jobs have gained so much popularity among job seekers these days. It truly is a game changer when it comes to job opportunities because of its many unique benefits. People nowadays aim for better work-life balance, and online jobs have answered this need.

If you are keen on pursuing a career in virtual assistance, it’s better to ask yourself a few questions first. Before applying for a job, have a brief self-assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you gauge if you are the right fit. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Can I work odd hours or graveyard shifts?

    Your client will decide which hours will work best. Since your client is abroad, you might have to be flexible when it comes to your work schedule. Online meetings usually happen during your client’s availability, so being flexible and understanding are two key traits for a VA.  

  • Do I have the right skill set?

    Some job seekers keep applying for online jobs without really asking themselves this question. There are many job posts available in customer service, telemarketing, content writing, web design, graphic design, social media management and human resource management, but do you really know the ins and outs of each job? If you aren’t that confident with any of these, it’s a good idea to polish your skills first by attending webinars and studying tutorials. Online jobs are constantly evolving, so it’s best to update your skills from time to time.

  • Am I a fast learner?

    Clients typically delegate tasks and give instructions via collaborative apps. You must be easily trainable and be able to absorb all learnings as fast as possible. Study your client’s business and learn the skills needed so you can catch up with your clients’ expectations.

  • Can I work independently without constant supervision?

    After training, you are expected to work by yourself. Clients appreciate workers who ask questions, but if you are constantly being spoon-fed, your client might get impatient with you. Again, self-studying goes a long way. Go back to your training materials and review.

  • Is my environment conducive for work?

    Look around your household and assess if there is a peaceful spot where you can manage to put a work desk. Is it clutter-free? Is it quiet enough for online meetings? Will your relatives be able to bother you in this area? Are there forms of distraction lingering that might hinder your focus such as TV sets, gadgets, phones, nosy neighbors and the like?

  • Do I handle criticisms well?

    In this industry, you must learn to have thick skin. Conflicts and misunderstandings may arise at certain times, and you must be able to handle them professionally. If you are a person who easily gets demotivated, then it’s best to change that mindset. Receiving constructive criticism should be seen as a learning experience. Let it motivate you to improve yourself and learn from past mistakes.

  • Am I a good communicator?

    Are you able to speak and write English well? Can you articulate your thoughts in a professional manner? When conflicts occur, are you able to communicate diplomatically? Is your tone in emails and chat correspondences work appropriate? Excellent communication skills are necessary for VAs because conversing in the virtual world leaves plenty of room for misunderstanding and miscommunication. You have to be able to explain yourself well to avoid any such issues.

  • Am I hardworking?

    Your clients will rely on you. You can’t just go AWOL whenever you feel like it. Virtual assistant duties are not a walk in the park. If you are prone to laziness and complacency, then being a VA is not for you. Online jobs are real jobs, and you have to show up day in and day out and be able to meet your client’s needs.

If you are able to say yes to all these key questions without hesitating, then it’s about time you submit your resume and answer that online application form.

All it takes is the right skill set and a good personality to be able to make it in this industry.

There will be challenges along the way, but these are only learning curves that will push you to greater heights.


Next: 7 Simple Things You Can Do To Power Up Your Work Day At Home

20Four7VA recognizes the challenge of effectively managing an online business – and we are very eager to help. Our company specializes in eCommerce VIRTUAL STAFFING SOLUTIONS, providing customizable and scalable solutions to small, medium, and large enterprise business owners so they can focus on growing their business.

Ready to have access to incredible people with incredible skills in the most cost-effective way? Contact us today!


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