VA Spotlight: Ann

Featuring Ann, our 2020 VA Rookie of the Year! One of the younger ones, Ann started with her client in March 2020 and has been acing it since then. Her secret sauce? Always be communicative, [...]

A Definitive Guide to Hiring and Managing a Virtual Assistant

  If you’re an entrepreneur, there’s a big chance that you’ve considered hiring a virtual assistant (VA) at some point in your business journey. It’s pretty common knowledge that as your [...]

VA Spotlight: Jen

Meet Jen, our impressive recipient of the 2020 Most Dependable & Reliable VA award. Jen’s unmistakable passion for her job and concern for her client and her client’s company allowed her to [...]

Top Virtual Assistant Tools 101: Part 5 – Time and Activity Tracking Tools

  With many of the world’s employees doing remote work, organizations are adopting new ways to keep track of their time and activities. Time tracking tools ensure that tasks are [...]