5 Tips When Transitioning from a Conventional Office to a Home Office

 In VA Work Tips and Best Practices

The option to work from home has helped many skilled individuals achieve better work-life balance. Back in the day, taking care of a household while still earning a living was rare and quite challenging. Thanks to modern technology, start-ups and many companies around the world, however, working from home is now more viable, especially when you have a neat home office set up.

The decision of many business owners to outsource manpower has paved the way to more job opportunities. If you’re used to the usual office set-up and are wondering how to transition to the dynamics of working from home, here are some tips:

  1. Stick to a routine.

    If you think that having no fixed schedule is ideal for virtual assistants, think again. Working whenever you feel like it isn’t advised by seasoned VAs. This can easily lead to a disorganized and inefficient work session, and more often than not, it will have a negative effect on your productivity. Try to schedule your work at about the same time everyday. By sticking to a routine, your body clock does not become disoriented, and you can have an orderly way of tackling other responsibilities outside of work such as taking care of the kids, house chores and personal endeavors.

  2. Always get enough sleep and eat healthy.

    It’s easy to pile on the pounds and forget to have a fitness regimen when you work from home. Just think, no more preparations for work, no more commuting, no more climbing the stairs at the office or walking to the nearest cafe to get your daily cup of coffee. In short, you will be prone to weight gain due to a sedentary life. Avoid this by remaining active and eating well. Exercise at home with the help of workout videos or enroll in a gym. Choose a healthy diet that consists of vegetables, unprocessed food products, fresh fruit and lean meat. Avoid fast food as much as possible.

  3. Separate family life from work.

    Always keep your work session separate from the time you spend for other responsibilities. Many virtual assistants make the mistake of juggling many different tasks which leads to them losing focus. There’s always a time for everything. Devote your time and be present mentally for work and your personal endeavors. Separate the two and make every moment count.

  4. Set up a desk that is conducive for work.

    Unlike the conventional office setup where everything is provided for you, your home poses the risk of being an unproductive workspace. Make sure you avoid this by creating a workstation that is devoted solely for your virtual assistant job. A sturdy desk, a comfortable chair, proper lighting, good ventilation and silence are the key ingredients of a productive workstation. Creating one must be on your list of priorities once you are hired.

  5. Maintain an active social life and develop other hobbies.

    Work-life balance is important to every virtual assistant if the goal is to thrive and last in this industry. The secret is to strive for balance to avoid the risk of burning out. Working from home can be a challenge when VAs juggle household duties and work without taking the time to care for their well-being. Exercising, eating well, engaging in sports, arts and crafts, doing yoga, reading books, meditating, and hanging out with friends and family are examples of ways to achieve a more meaningful and fulfilling life. What is the point of working hard if you do not enjoy the rewards of all your efforts? Be kind to yourself and remember that life means so much more than just work.

Transitioning from a traditional office to a home office can be a fun experience as long as you remember to balance both your home and work life.

Read more:  7 Online Tools That VA’s Can’t Do Without

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