Social Media Virtual Assistant
Maximize your social media presence, reach, and influence by hiring a Social Media Virtual Assistant!What is a Social Media Virtual Assistant?
According to Statista, half the world is on Social Media. This doesn’t even exclude the very young, the very old, or the ones without internet access at all. That’s about 5 billion people! This number is expected to grow to over 6 billion by 2028.
People aren’t on it just for fun or socialization either. In fact, as early as 2018, social media had already beaten newspapers as a source of news for Americans. People also spend hours each day on various social media platforms talking to and about different brands.
Looking at these facts, the importance of maintaining a good social media presence for your brand cannot be denied. However, there are so many popular social media platforms out there – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. – and they have intersecting but not entirely similar purposes or audiences. Staying on top of all the different social media platforms your business needs to be on can be time consuming. This is where a social media virtual assistant can help.
You can get a virtual assistant for social media to do anything from simple daily comment and message management to social media planning. Social media virtual assistants keep track of what people say about you and make sure your brand personality is appealing to your target market.
What Can Social Media Virtual Assistants Do for You?

Whether your business is digital or brick and mortar, and whether you have a website or not, social media is an important aspect of any digital marketing plan. Having a good social media manager can set the tone for your business and keep you top of mind for potential customers and clients. Here are just some of the tasks social media virtual assistant services can include:
- Social media account setup & maintenance
Having a social media management virtual assistant can keep your profile up to date, relevant, and interesting to your market. They can also help you choose which social media platform would be best for your target audience.
- Social media content optimization
A social media marketing virtual assistant can increase your content’s reach by knowing how and when to post, and by following search engine optimization (SEO) guidelines.
- Dynamic and regular social media posting
Make your audience look forward to seeing your posts everyday to improve your reputation by having content that covers a variety of formats including written, graphic, and video.
- Social media presence and interactions.
Make your audience feel like you’re not just a brand, but a friend, or even part of the family. Good social media engagement can make your audience feel like you listen to them, and promotes trust and interaction.
- Digital marketing coordination
Ensure your social media posts and plans are aligned with your overall digital marketing strategy. This can be as simple as being consistent with your website, to as advanced as working with a marketing manager to create a multi-platform digital plan.
- Customer care
Many customers now prefer sending inquiries via social media over emails or phone calls. A social media VA can attend to these promptly and help you keep on top of your customers’ concerns.
- Audience analysis & reporting
Social media virtual assistants (VAs) can keep track of your audience demographics, and suggest changes to your marketing tone and design to increase your appeal to the correct target segment.
- Ad setup & management
Keep your social media ads up to standard and make sure they reach your promotional goals.
- Analyze and report on social media ad performance
Social media VAs can not only track your ads, they can also look at how ad placements can be improved in future campaigns. This gives you a better bang for buck for your goals.
What Skills Do Social Media Virtual Assistants Need to Have?

SMM (social media marketing) and management is a complex topic and requires a variety of skills and knowledge to do well. Here are some of the things you have to look for when you hire your very own social media virtual assistant:
- Strong communication skills
They will be in charge of communicating your intent and values to your audience in platforms with excellent reach. Thus, they should be able to convey their thoughts and ideas well.
- Strong customer service attitude
They will be one important touchpoint for your customers – and some of their interactions will be public. It is extremely important that social media VAs can comport themselves gracefully in response to both positive and negative comments.
- Basic to intermediate content writing
An SMM virtual assistant can convey many different ideas clearly and concisely while grabbing the attention of casual browsers.
- Proofreading
There is saying that “the internet always remembers” – this is especially true for social media. VAs in this field must be able to look through their own content and avoid simple errors in order to avoid the wrong kind of attention.
- Basic to intermediate graphic design
A long chain of text can be boring for your audience, so social media VAs should be able to change it up by creating simple graphic content to catch the eye of your customers.
- Understanding of search engine optimization (SEO)
Even if you post every single day, your reach can be very limited if your content doesn’t pop up for people who may need you. That is why your VA must know the basics of SEO and be able to apply this knowledge in their social media management.
- Understanding of social media ad platforms and best practices
With social media’s broad reach, your VA must know the basics of advertising on the various platforms so you get the most out of your ad budget and so that your regular content complements or even boosts your paid content.
How Do I Hire a Social Media Virtual Assistant?

With over half of online consumers saying that their buying decisions are influenced by social media, it is very important to rely on a reputable partner when hiring your social media virtual assistant. A platform like 20four7VA with a long history and lots of reviews is a must. 20four7VA assesses and trains all social media virtual assistants before endorsement, so that VAs can immediately begin work. All you need to do is think of the tasks you’d like your VA to do, and we can begin looking for good matches for you.
Once you have a number of VA candidate options, make sure to interview them before hiring. This can give you a feel for their attitude, and most importantly their communication skills. A video interview can tell you things their resume can not, and will let you know if the candidate is someone you can enjoy working with. While it is ideal that you hire someone who already knows the ins and outs of the industry, we can also help you train your VA should you take a liking to someone a little fresher but with an excellent attitude.
20four7VA doesn’t stop helping you after you hire your VA. We help you with the onboarding process and have dedicated customer support who will continue monitoring your VAs to ensure all work is being done well and efficiently.
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Social Media Virtual Assistant?
You can get a social media VA starting at $88/week for an entry level VA working 10 hours per week. 20four7VA is very flexible, and can provide you a VA with the skill level and time commitment best suited for your business.