
Legal Content Writer VA

Boost your online presence by hiring a legal content writer VA.

What is Legal Content Writing?


Legal content writing is writing on legal topics, mostly for people unfamiliar with this sphere. Usually, legal content writers will be required to write blog posts or articles for law firm websites and similar websites, but some companies require eBooks or other written materials. A few examples of popular blog categories are politics, law news, and law trends.

While many are still not familiar with legal content writing, the number of companies requiring this type of work is growing. This is partly because many people have started their small businesses, and they do not know much about the law or legal issues. Also, it is often difficult for them to find good quality legal content for their sites.

Legal content writing can be lucrative since it is often believed that people who are looking for legal information on the Internet do not have a lot of time to spend on this task, and they prefer to read short articles that have their questions answered succinctly with as little legalese as possible.

Another important thing to mention is that it’s not necessary to attend law school or have the legal experience to become a legal writer. It might be hard for people with no experience to do a good job, but this is usually solved by working closely with clients and doing plenty of legal research. Of course, it does pay to have some background knowledge about law, but it’s not a must.

What Does a Legal Content Writer Do?

Legal content writers do what you’d expect, write content about law and legal issues. As mentioned above, they don’t have to be actual attorneys or any other type of legal professionals; they can simply write as someone who has intimate knowledge of the topic and offer opinions and insights regarding specific situations described by their clients.

To ensure legal writing accuracy, particularly for blog posts discussing complex legal topics, the content can be edited or reviewed by a lawyer or somebody with sufficient legal knowledge before publishing.

What is a Legal Website Content Writer Virtual Assistant?

A legal content writer virtual assistant (VA) is a remote or freelance legal content writer that offers legal content writing services to clients worldwide.

Many companies that need legal blog writing services can hire VAs because they can offer high-quality legal content writing for a very affordable price. By outsourcing legal content creation to digital marketing professionals, law firms can free up their lawyers’ time for more important tasks such as meeting potential clients to increase business for their legal practice or working on cases.

What Tasks Can a Remote Legal Content Writer Do?


The following are some of the services provided by a legal content writer virtual assistant:

Write, edit or rewrite legal documents for law firms

A legal content writer can work on your case documents following certain pre-defined legal standards and guidelines. This is a type of attorney-reviewed content, which means that you will need to work closely with your freelance writers or VAs to ensure that they’re writing content that’s accurate and error-free. It would also help to look over their finished work for validation purposes.

Research and write blog posts, articles, and legal marketing content for websites

Legal blog writers can do the necessary legal research to write blog posts, articles, and legal marketing content for your website. These posts may be related to law news, legal trends, or other topics that lawyers often want to know more about as they increase their knowledge of relevant information on their chosen fields.

Legal blog writers can also help your website get noticed by search engine spiders or crawlers by creating blog content, landing pages, or practice area pages that target specific keywords. Aside from legal blog writing, they can also write content for specific target audiences of law firms, such as people who might require legal services in certain practice areas such as real estate law, family law, business law, criminal defense, estate planning, and so on. This means that legal blog writers can help you attract more potential clients to your law firm.

Edit and proofread documents written by in-house lawyers.

Legal content writers can also do other types of work that are related to legal writing, such as editing and proofreading documents written by in-house lawyers in your legal practice. These VAs are qualified for this type of work because they have already done plenty of research on the document topic, so it won’t take them long to find any grammar or spelling mistakes.

Provide eBook writing services

Aside from writing a blog post or creating compelling content for your practice area pages, a legal writer can also create eBooks, whitepapers, and other lead magnets to help you reach your content marketing and digital marketing goals. Topics can include filing for bankruptcy, handling real estate purchase contracts, and other common legal problems your potential clients might face.

Package products such as legal forms bundles that can be sold online

A VA specializing in legal content writing can also help you identify a specific need in the market of your chosen profession and create profitable digital products to address this need. You can package these products such as legal forms bundles to be sold online at a profit.

What Skills Do Legal Content Writing Virtual Assistants Need to Have?


To make the most of your decision to outsource legal content writing services, you need to ensure that you’re creating a solid team of legal content VAs first. Here are some important skills to look for in a legal content writing VA.

Exceptional Research Skills

Law firms need writers who can do the necessary research and create compelling legal content in time for deadlines. Legal content writer virtual assistants must have strong research skills to help ensure they write accurate information that pertains to your law firm.

Basic Knowledge of Law Science

It’s ideal to hire VAs with sufficient knowledge of law science, which means they should be familiar with legal practices and procedures. They should also know the specific language used in the documents or content they’ll be helping you produce.

Of course, finding legal content writers with a law school background or experience can be difficult, so consider training an excellent content writer VA instead.

SEO Skills

To make your practice area landing pages, a legal blog, or other types of legal content reach your target audience, you need them to appear on search results first. A VA with an SEO background can help you with this. Instead of paying for SEO agencies to put your current website on the map, you can hire a content writer VA with SEO knowledge to improve your content instead.

How Do I Hire a Legal Content Writing Virtual Assistant?

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To find the best legal content writers, you need to work with a trusted virtual staffing agency like 20four7VA. With our experience in the VA staffing industry, we can provide you with talented legal content writers who are reliable and hardworking.

Aside from vetting and screening your VA applicants, we also assist with the interview and onboarding process. Our VA services also come with accounting, IT, training, and HR support, so you can focus more on what your VA does.

Ready to find legal blog writers or content writers for your company? Book a call with one of our Business Growth Specialists to get a free quote!

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