
Hire a Shopify Developer

From building your Shopify store to integrating payment gateways, our Shopify developers have you covered.

Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms. It has many custom features that cater to an eCommerce business’s top business needs, such as the ability to add products, accept payments, and develop beautiful eCommerce websites. There are also many Shopify templates that you can use to start a basic eCommerce store quickly, which is why many eCommerce sites are built on the Shopify platform.

However, while many Shopify themes can help you get started, nothing beats hiring an experienced Shopify developer to take your Shopify project to the next level. A Shopify developer can help turn your dream into reality by building you a custom Shopify store tailored to your specific business needs, industry, and budget.

What is a Shopify Developer?


A Shopify developer is someone who has training and experience building and customizing Shopify stores. They can help you set up your Shopify store, customize your theme, add features to your website, and troubleshoot any problems. They are also familiar with Shopify’s Liquid template language, which is used to build Shopify themes and customizations.

Why Hire a Shopify Developer?

If you want to focus on growing your Shopify business, it’s best to leave the tech side to the Shopify experts. Because a virtual Shopify expert has had plenty of training working on custom Shopify development and troubleshooting, they can certainly create a much better eCommerce store for you, and much faster, too.

Hire Shopify web developer professionals if you:

Don’t have the skills or time to build your store

If you’re not familiar with Shopify or with web design and web development in general, it’s better to hire an expert Shopify developer and outsource this task.

Want a custom Shopify design for your store

If you want to change the look or feel of your store, then hire Shopify developer experts who can help you customize your theme. Aside from creating an engaging website, Shopify developers can also ensure that your page is responsive across different devices and screen sizes.

Want to add features to your shop

If you want to add features and integrations to your store, such as a blog, different payment gateways, or an email marketing plugin, then you definitely need to hire Shopify experts to help you out. A virtual Shopify developer can help you integrate third-party applications into your store to improve customer experience and increase sales.

Have trouble dealing with bugs and other website problems

Shopify stores are robust, but they can crash and fail like any other eCommerce store, too. Even a few minutes of downtime can mean thousands of dollars lost for your Shopify store, so you need to get the best Shopify developers onboard to avoid this problem. When you hire Shopify developers, you can also avoid other common problems, such as broken links, pages that take too long to load, and images that don’t display correctly.

What Tasks Can Shopify Developers Do?


You already have an overview of what Shopify developers can do, but it helps to know all the various tasks a Shopify developer can do to make sure that you’re as specific as possible when it comes to the project requirements.

By hiring Shopify expert services, you can confidently delegate the following tasks:

Shopify Theme Development

Shopify theme development or customization is one of the key tasks of a Shopify virtual assistant. Hiring a Shopify expert can help you improve the look and feel of your store by creating a custom theme that will make your online store stand out from other Shopify stores.

Shopify Plugin Development

Shopify developers can also create custom plugins and integrations for your store. This is especially useful if you want to add features that are not available in the Shopify App Store.

Shopify Integrations

When you hire ecommerce Shopify developer services, you can integrate your online store with various third-party applications for different purposes. For instance, you may want to link your Shopify store with multiple payment gateways for a smoother checkout process. Another example is integrating your online store with an email marketing platform, helping streamline your email outreach efforts. These integrations can help you automate your store’s processes, increase sales, and improve customer service, so it’s worth hiring Shopify developers to set up these integrations.

Migration to Shopify

Already have existing online stores built on other eCommerce platforms? Expert Shopify developers can migrate your store from another eCommerce platform easily. This way, you can immediately enjoy all the features and benefits of Shopify without starting from scratch.

Shopify App Development

If you want to develop a custom app for your Shopify store, hire Shopify experts who have experience building apps for Shopify.


Shopify developers can provide you with ongoing support for your online business. With Shopify developers as part of your support team, you can ensure that your backend systems and shopfront are always up and running.

What Skills Do Shopify Developers Need to Have?


Convinced that you need to hire a Shopify developer? The next step is finding the right one for your business. To find and hire the top Shopify developers, you need to look for someone with the following skills.

Technical Skills

The Shopify platform is constantly evolving, and a good developer needs to be updated. With this in mind, Shopify store owners need to hire talent with experience working on the Shopify platform and solving various technical problems that may arise. Experience with other eCommerce platforms and multiple programming languages is also a huge plus.

Web Design Skills

A good Shopify developer should have a keen eye for detail and be able to design an aesthetically pleasing store that is easy for your customers to navigate.

Communication Skills

Since Shopify programmers will be working with you and possibly other members of your team, they must be good communicators. Since not everyone in your development team is adept in Shopify, your dedicated Shopify expert has to explain the technical processes clearly so that you and your team understand the changes being implemented.

Where to Hire a Shopify Developer?

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If you’re ready to hire someone to work on your Shopify project, you can either look for a freelancer yourself or work with a trusted remote staffing agency. You can hire a freelance Shopify developer on online job boards or social media. However, dealing with the hiring process and vetting process yourself can be challenging.

When hiring freelance Shopify developers, you need to ask them about their experience in web design, Shopify development, and various programming languages. However, if you don’t know how to gauge the quality of their answers or how to scrutinize their portfolio, you might end up with someone who is not skilled enough or not a good fit for your team.

To avoid the stress of hiring a Shopify developer VA on your own, seek help from an experienced remote staffing agency instead. 20four7VA is a trusted virtual staffing agency that helps clients hire experts or virtual assistants (VAs) across a wide range of IT Services, including Shopify development.

Our newly launched IT Services allow you to hire a suitable Shopify Developer or a team of Shopify virtual assistants as quickly as possible. Since our IT Services is an all-in-one solution, we can easily meet any web development, mobile development, and app development needs. Our team comprises skilled, certified, and dedicated web developers, designers, SEO, and paid ads specialists. We’re your top choice if you need a complete solution for your Shopify development job.

Ready to hire dedicated Shopify developers to grow your Shopify store? If you’re considering working with a Shopify VA hiring with 20four7VA is your best option. Simply click the link below for a free consultation call with us.

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