
Hire an iOS Developer

Conquer the App Store with an iOS app created by a professional iOS developer!

iOS has proven to be a major driving force in the mobile market. As of the fourth quarter of 2021, Apple’s iOS operating system holds approximately 23.4% of the global smartphone share. With so many iOS devices worldwide, it’s no wonder why numerous apps and games are being developed for the platform. If you’re looking to develop a mobile application that your customers and prospects can use, it’s crucial to consider iOS compatibility. You will need to hire iOS developer services.

What is an iOS Developer?

An iOS developer is a skilled professional responsible for creating mobile applications powered by Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS. iOS developers use various tools to create iOS-compatible mobile apps, including the Swift programming language and Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment.

You can rely on an iOS developer to design mobile apps that meet the needs and demands of the app’s target users. Aside from having a strong understanding of coding and programming, many iOS developers also have basic UI/UX and mobile app design skills. This helps them ensure that your application is top-quality, functional, user-friendly, and updated.

Should You Consider Remote iOS App Developers for Hire?


As a business owner, you want to ensure that your staffing investments are logical. Although an iOS developer is necessary if your company wants to have or already has an iOS app, it might not be within budget to hire dedicated iOS developers that are full-time and in-house. If you’re looking to hire iOS application developer services that won’t break the bank, you might want to consider remote iOS app developers.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring a remote iOS developer.


Hiring remotely, particularly if you’re using outsourced virtual staffing services, allows you to have flexibility in staffing. You can hire multiple part-time developers to cover different shifts instead of hiring a single full-time employee. You can also start small and scale up your team as your business grows.

Lower Rates

Hiring local developers can get expensive, so it makes sense to tap into the global iOS developer market. There are many talented iOS developers around the world who can provide you with quality services at rates that are lower than the average local staffing rates.

Overhead Cost Reduction

Remote developers have their own machines and take care of their own internet connection, utilities, and workspace, so you don’t have to worry about any of these. A reduction in your overhead costs can increase your bottom line.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are critical to companies nowadays, and hiring remote workers from around the globe is one way to diversify your team.
When you hire iOS developers, it’s important to factor in the cost and mobility of your team. That’s why looking for a remote iOS developer for hire is a great idea. Not only will hiring remotely help you scale faster, but it will also help you have a more diverse workforce.

What Tasks can iOS Developers Do?


At this point, you probably already know the main tasks that iOS developers are in charge of. But when you’re planning to hire dedicated iOS developer services and crafting a job description for it, you need to know more than just the basics. To help you find the right person for the job, here’s a list of tasks that iOS developers can do for you.

iOS App Development

Of course, the main responsibility of an iOS developer is app creation. Your iOS developer will be the main person in charge of creating your iOS app and translating your app mockups, wireframes, and list of features into a fully functional mobile app that your users can download from the Apple App Store.

App Maintenance and Debugging

If you thought that you only need an iOS developer until your app is finally released, think again. Your iOS app needs regular maintenance to ensure that it’s perfectly usable. Your iOS developer will need to do proactive checking and code updates to ensure that your app is always working as it should.

Also, it’s highly likely for your users to spot bugs and other errors in your app at some point. You will need your iOS developer to troubleshoot and fix these bugs and address any other issues that may occur.


When an app is developed or updated, it needs to be tested multiple times on various iOS devices to ensure it’s working properly. Some teams have dedicated testers to handle this job, but your iOS developer can also perform various compatibility and quality tests to ensure that your app works perfectly on all supported Apple devices.

App Updates

Adding more features to your app? Changing the design to improve user experience? Updating your app with new features, elements, and designs is another task that your iOS developer can do. After updating the app, they will also be in charge of publishing the updated version of your app to the App Store.

What Skills Do iOS Developers Need to Have?


Are you convinced that you need to hire iOS developers? The next step is finding the right one for your business. To find top iOS developers for your business, you need to look for someone with the following skills.

Technical Skills

Of course, a good iOS developer needs to have the necessary technical knowledge to create iOS apps. They need to be adept at the usual programming languages used in iOS development, such as Swift or Objective-C. They should also be familiar with Cocoa Touch, the primary application development environment for creating iOS apps.

Knowledge of iOS design guidelines is also critical, as well as experience using iOS frameworks, C libraries, and APIs used in iOS app development.

Design Skills

Because mobile apps are highly visual, it helps to hire an iOS developer with good design skills too. Even if you have a separate design team, keep in mind that your iOS developer needs to understand basic design principles so that they can work well with your designer and properly implement the designer’s vision.

Communication Skills

Strong communication skills are critical for developers because they need to work with various people and teams. Not only will they need to understand the client’s requirements perfectly, but they also need to communicate with the designers, app testers, and other members of your team. They also need to be able to explain to you, in simple terms, what they’re working on and what the timeline of the project looks like.

Knowledge of Project Management Tools

Mobile app development projects are usually tracked using a project management tool. This makes everything more organized and allows the client to see a clear picture of the development progress. Any iOS developer you hire must have experience with any project management tool and must be able to work within your team’s operational parameters easily.

Where to Hire an iOS Developer?

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Are you ready to hire ios app developer services? If you’re looking to outsource or hire remotely, you can either look for a freelancer yourself or work with a trusted remote staffing agency.

When interviewing iOS developers, you need to ask them about their relevant software development experience and the programming languages they’re experienced with. However, if you don’t know how to gauge the quality of their answers or scrutinize their portfolio, you might end up with someone who is not skilled enough or not a good fit for your team.

To avoid the stress of vetting and screening a remote iOS developer on your own, get assistance from a trusted remote staffing agency instead. 20four7VA is a trusted virtual staffing agency that provides a wide range of IT Services, including iOS development.

Our IT Services provide an all-in-one solution for business owners. Whether you’re looking for iOS app development or website development, we can match you with the right people for your team. Our remote professionals have already been pre-vetted, so you don’t have to worry about being matched with inexperienced developers. We also provide each client with a dedicated account manager for easy access to our support staff.

Find remote iOS developers for hire now. Click the button below to book a free consultation with us.

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