
Freelance Web Designer

Find the perfect web designer expert to help grow your business.

Hire A Freelance Web Designer

Aside from social media profiles, a company’s website is one of its most valuable tools when it comes to solidifying their online presence. It’s also one of the best ways to create a great first impression to target consumers.

Web design encompasses both aesthetics and functionality. It can be challenging for firms to find the right person with the right combination of technical ability and creative talent. That’s why hiring a freelance web designer is growing in popularity among businesses.

What is Web Design?

Web design is the process of planning and arranging content on a website. Web designers aim to craft an aesthetically pleasing website that also provides a great user experience. They work with a combination of elements, including:

  • color theory
  • graphics or imagery
  • layout or user interface
  • clients’ corporate or personal brand toolkit

Building websites with responsive web design is crucial for creating an overall excellent customer experience. Businesses need to work with a web design expert that can do that for them.

Benefits of Hiring a Freelance Web Designer

When it comes to hiring a web designer freelance services are the way to go. Here are some key benefits of working with someone who can create a website with an aesthetically pleasing and responsive design:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A freelance web designer should be able to create both visually appealing and optimized websites. Search engines tend to favor websites that provide great content and excellent user experience. This is why having a responsive website that doesn’t lag is a simple yet effective SEO strategy.

Better Customer Experience

Businesses (whether companies or small businesses) with websites that offer great customer experience increase customer satisfaction. And when customers are satisfied with their experience, they are more likely to refer your business to other clients.

Generate More Revenue

Hiring freelance web designers is not just essential to creating artistic and functional websites. They help make you improve both your online footprint and sales performance.

And more!

These are just some benefits you can reap when working with a skilled web design freelance professional. There are more indirect benefits to working with someone who can improve your website and overall customer experience. For example, great web design can help solidify your place in your target consumers’ top-of-minds. This can move them along the sales funnel and potentially become advocates for your brand.

Different Tasks of a Freelance Web Designer


Freelance web designers can help small business owners build sites that help achieve their business goals. Here are some of the daily tasks you can expect a web design freelancer to do:

  • Meet with new clients to learn about their web design or website requirements
  • Collaborate with the client and web development team to build websites that fulfill the client’s requirements
  • Create mockups of layouts and web pages using graphic design software
  • Map out and review visitor or consumer journey
  • Craft a design that’s optimized for both desktop and mobile devices
  • Conduct usability tests to ensure visitors have the best possible experience

Important Skills and Qualities Freelance Web Designers Should Have


To guarantee success when hiring a freelance web designer, you must invest time and energy on the screening process. The right combination of soft and technical skills makes for effective web designers. Here are some of the top things to look for when hiring a freelance web design professional.

Design Skills

Good web design does not simply require graphic design abilities. It also requires the designer to have an understanding of typography, color theory, and usability principles. They must be able to arrange these different visual elements in a way that makes sense for your site visitors.

It’s also important to note that not all web design experts match what your brand calls for. To hire the right freelance web designer for your business, make sure to review their portfolio website or their works with past clients. These can give you a peek into their creative approach and ability to adapt to potential clients’ requirements. Reviewing a web designer’s past website projects can help you confirm whether or not they are the right web design professional for you.


Attention to all details is crucial for web development. When designing websites or landing pages, your web designing freelance partner must be as meticulous as possible to avoid bugs or errors. A simple mistake can lead to operational or customer service issues that can be especially damaging for small businesses.

Technical Expertise

Freelance web designers must be familiar with HTML and CSS coding. It will also help if they have a working knowledge of CMS (content management system) platforms. Of course, different business projects may require different systems and technologies. So, it’s important to understand the kind of web development system that works best for your website or application. Knowing this can help you narrow down the type of web design expert you need.

Time Management Skills

When hiring freelancers web design skills should be a given, and so should time management skills. A web design freelancer needs excellent time management skills to grow their freelance career. Since they’re not tied to one employer, they can work on multiple projects for various companies. In addition to working on current projects, they need time to categorize their past work and build their portfolio website. With all these tasks, an excellent web designer must be able to manage their time and prioritize projects as needed.

Willingness to Learn

They should always be interested in learning about current design trends. This means they keep their web design services business up-to-date and competitive. A professional that wants to advance their freelancing web design career should always be open to learning. With the speed at which technology and consumer behavior are evolving, they must find ways to keep up or stay ahead.

Another good incentive to continue upskilling is they can charge higher rates per project if they have a solid freelance work portfolio and strong professional and educational background.

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How to Get the Right Freelance Web Design Services For Your Business

Hiring freelance web designers takes more than just posting job listings on career websites. You need to set aside a huge chunk of your time to review a candidate’s portfolio website, resume, and other application details. On top of that, you must perform background checks and conduct interviews. The complete process may take up your valuable time and energy.

Your best option? Let 20four7VA find the right freelance web designer for your business!

Find the Best Freelance Web Designer with 20four7VA

20four7VA is a top-notch, multi-awarded remote staffing agency. We have extensive knowledge in providing our clients with the right virtual staffing solutions. We have helped over 3,000 clients hire and manage the right remote professionals for their businesses. And we can do the same for you.

20four7VA’s End-to-End Remote Staffing Services

If you want to make working with a freelance web designer as easy and hassle-free as possible, then 20four7VA is the right choice for you. We help each client find the best match for their business needs.

Global Talent Pool

We have a vast pool of global remote talents. Our virtual assistants (VAs) have various specializations, including web design. We’ll review our list of pre-vetted VAs to find the right web designer that fits your job description. And if your project requirements demand more specialized skills, we can scour our network to find a web designer that matches your needs.

In-House Training Support

Getting someone with the right design skills is essential. But further training and assessment can make a world of difference. Training helps empower your web designer to do well in their freelance career and provide the best web development services for your business. 20four7VA offers free in-house training and upskilling for remote talents, including web designers, as needed.

Dedicated Client Support

Each 20four7VA is assigned an Account Manager. They will help make working with a freelance web designer much more hassle-free. Dedicated account managers ensure clients’ concerns are addressed promptly and effectively. They also assist with remote talent management to make sure you get the best web designer services you need.

IT Helpdesk

Your web design VA may already be well-versed in everything related to their role. They’re probably masters at web development, programming languages, and navigating various graphic design software. Nevertheless, our own IT Helpdesk team will still be there to provide technical support to both you and your remote talent.

Human Resources (HR Services)

We make hiring and working with remote talents as seamless and hassle-free as possible. Aside from connecting you to a skilled freelance writer, we will also provide HR services as part of the contract! We’ll handle time tracking, payroll processing, and other HR admin tasks, so you don’t have to.

No Hidden Fees

20four7VA offers our client-VA matching services free of charge! Clients nor VAs don’t have to worry about making any pre-payments. You’ll only start paying for the freelance web designer hourly rate (depending on the package you choose) and set up fee once your remote talent starts working with you.

Customizable and Highly-Scalable Solutions

We’ll help you find the right remote staffing solutions for your business needs. Whether you need someone to fill a full-time job opening or a part-time role, you can count on us to find the right freelance web designer.

Ready to make your site stand out from other websites? Hire a freelance web designer with 20four7VA! Schedule a free consultation today to learn more.

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