
Freelance Graphic Designer

Find the perfect Graphic Designer to help grow your business.

Hire a Freelance Graphic Designer

Anything your business puts out into the world should align with your brand. Whether it’s a logo design, a post for social platforms, or packaging design, all design projects should represent your business well. To help you get this done, one effective and cost-saving option is to work with a freelance graphic designer.

Benefits of Hiring Freelance Graphic Designers

Having an engaging and powerful visual presence is essential for any business. That’s why hiring graphic design freelancers is the perfect solution to help you create compelling visuals that capture your brand story and message. If you’re still on the fence about hiring freelance graphic design talents, here are some key benefits you should consider:

Save Money

Running a business doesn’t only mean finding ways to make money or revenue. It also involves managing expenses. Implementing cost-effective strategies can help your business stay afloat and thrive even if other industries or companies struggle. Hiring freelance designers is more cost-effective than hiring in-house teams or working with a creative agency.

By working with remote talents or freelancers, you can manage your labor and overhead costs. Costs relating to hiring in-house, full-time employees include office equipment, travel allowances, and other government-mandated benefits. You can cut these costs by outsourcing tasks to these virtual talents with the right graphic design skills.

Save Time

Completing a creative project just the way you want takes time. If you and your team are already swamped with other tasks, working with a freelance designer can help you manage your to-do list. You and your team can save valuable time by delegating some or most of the creative work to a freelance graphic designer. The time you save from working on these tasks can be redirected to generate leads, reach out to potential clients, and other vital projects to grow your business. 

Scalable Staffing Solutions

Hiring a freelance graphics designer is a good choice if you need help with one-off tasks or short-term projects. For example, if your requirement is for logo design or headshot editing, hiring someone full-time may cost you money and time. Hiring freelancers can help you customize the work arrangement (part-time, specific hours, etc.) and payment terms (hourly rate or per project basis).

Global Talent Pool

Hiring remote talents or freelancers opens your business up to a bigger, more diverse talent pool. You will no longer be limited by geographical locations. It all depends on your business and what it needs to stay ahead in a highly competitive world. Whatever skills requirement and experience level you need, you can find the right graphic designer freelance talent for your business.

Projects a Freelance Graphic Designer Can Work On

  • Logo Design
  • Posters and Billboard designs
  • Packaging Design
  • Website Banners and Advertisements
  • Digital Ads Campaigns
  • Brochures or Flyers
  • Infographics Design
  • Social Media Materials
  • Digital Products (Social Media Filters, E-Gift Certificates, etc.)
  • Icon & Illustration Design
  • Photo Retouching
  • Video Editing
  • Templates for Communications (Letterheads, Business Cards, etc.)

These are just some tasks that a freelance graphic designer can do for your business. Contact our team to learn more about addressing your graphic design needs.

Top Skills and Qualities to Look for in a Graphic Design Freelance Expert


It’s important to list down the type of project or visual solution you need to make sure you’re working with a freelancer with the right graphic design skills. But here are some of the foundational skills and qualities of successful freelance designers to help you get started:

Knowledge of Design Theory and Principles

Knowledge of design theory and principles is an important skill for graphic designers. It helps them create visually appealing, effective projects.

They should be able to make sense of visual design elements, including the use of color, typography, shape, texture, pattern, hierarchy, and other elements to create a unified composition that can help you achieve your business goals.

Design principles like balance, proportionality, and harmony ensure visuals look professional while communicating their message clearly. Knowing how to effectively use these elements when creating graphics will allow designers to produce engaging designs that meet their clients’ needs.

Proficiency in Design Programs

Graphic design skills include proficiency in design programs. Their knowledge of design principles must be applied to a medium. Most people in the graphic design industry make use of programs like those in the Adobe Creative Cloud: PhotoShop, Illustrator, etc. Other designers can also use free tools like Canva or Crello for more simple, easily customizable creative projects.

Time Management Skills

Doing well in the freelance graphic designing field doesn’t just mean having technical design skills. Freelance graphic designers are free to work on more than one design project at a time. Because of their freelance career, they can work with multiple clients.

But the number of projects and clients only means that freelance graphic designers should possess excellent time and project management skills. It is essential to choose a freelance graphic designer who can prioritize tasks and manage their time well. They are the ones that your business can count on to create designs that fit your standard and deadline.

Communication Skills

An artist who wants to thrive in their freelance graphic design career should also work on how they communicate. As such, they need to be able to clearly articulate their ideas and designs in order to ensure that all parties are on the same page. Furthermore, good communicators can help build client relationships and create a more positive working environment.

Ability to Adjust to Brand Guidelines of Clients

A graphic design freelancer should have their own style or brand identity. Companies also have their own branding elements and guidelines. This means both parties must study each other’s style. The graphic designer should be able to make necessary adjustments to accommodate the needs of potential clients. Alternatively, businesses can always review a graphic design professional’s portfolio or past works to see if their style and creative approach are a good match for the project.

Organizational Skills

A graphic design freelance talent should be highly organized because they often work with multiple clients simultaneously. A freelance graphic designer can work with you on various tasks like logo design, website design, or creating layouts of marketing materials. Keeping briefs and files organized is essential to protect the client’s assets and ensure branding elements are in order.

The complete list of freelance graphic designer qualities and experience will highly depend on the freelance work you will outsource. But make sure you have the above six items on your checklist.

How to Get Freelance Graphic Design Services

There are a lot of remote talents looking for freelancing roles, including freelance graphic design jobs. You have a vast global talent pool to choose from, but you need to figure out the creative project or projects you need help with. This is a necessary step in the freelance hiring process, which usually includes crafting job listings with important details such as freelance graphic design rates, project information, work arrangement, etc. You must also devote time and energy to screening the graphic design portfolio and interviewing freelance designer candidates.

If you’ve got your plate full with running your own business and other responsibilities, you’ll definitely need some expert help. You can work with an experienced remote staffing agency like 20four7VA to help you get the best freelance graphic designers for your business. This way, you can find the right freelance designer without sacrificing much of your valuable time and energy.

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Find the Best Graphic Design Freelancers with 20four7VA

20four7VA is a multi-awarded virtual staffing agency. We help clients find top-notch virtual talents, from administrative virtual assistants (VAs), Telehealth experts to top graphic designers. We have a decade of experience in providing cost-effective, highly scalable solutions to businesses all around the world. And we can do the same for you!

Hire Graphic Design Expert in Four Easy Steps

1. Free Consultation with 20four7VA Growth Experts

Fill out our short and simple consultation call form. The consultation call is essential in helping us understand your staffing requirements better.

2. Candidate Screening

We’ll search our pool of remote talents to find freelance graphic designer candidates. We’ll shortlist the applicants based on the approved job description (JD).

3. Candidate Interviews

We will arrange interview appointments with shortlisted digital marketing candidates. We can also help administer test tasks if needed. For example, we can assign a short test task to create a poster based on a creative brief.

4. Selection and Set Up of Client Account

After you’ve made a selection from the shortlisted candidates, we’ll set up your account. Your freelance graphic designer can start on the next business day.

Ready to hire a graphic design expert to help your business stand out? Schedule a free consultation call with 20four7VA today!

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