
Freelance Digital Marketer

Find the perfect digital marketing expert to help grow your business.

Hire a Freelance Digital Marketer

Digital marketing is a helpful, if not essential, tool for businesses of any size. Compared to traditional marketing channels, digital marketing offers a more even playing field. Companies can easily scale their efforts depending on their target audience, business goals, and marketing budget.

But if you’re a business owner or solopreneur, you may not have the time or expertise to handle digital marketing efforts by yourself. Your to-do list may already be too full to squeeze in tasks like managing ad campaigns, email marketing, etc. If you want to make the most out of your resources and grow your business, hire a freelance marketer to help out.

Digital Marketing and Freelance Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is a branch of marketing that leverages the internet and various digital platforms to reach and engage customers. It includes SEO, content marketing, social media management, email marketing, etc.

What is freelance digital marketing? It is a service provided by professional independent contractors specializing in digital marketing. These individuals provide remote support in creating strategies, running campaigns, analyzing data, and more.

Why Hire Freelance Digital Marketers?


Alternative staffing solutions like outsourcing freelance marketing talent are beneficial to businesses. They allow you to get the work done without overshooting costs or spreading your current workforce too thin.

Cost-Effective Staffing Solution

Compared to hiring in-house staff, working with an online marketing freelancer is much more cost-effective. Working with remote talents means you don’t have to worry about spending money on additional office equipment, tools, and other benefits extended to full-time, in-office staff.

Expansive Talent Pool

Because you’re not bound by geographical lines, the number of potential candidates will grow exponentially. Today’s freelance marketers have varying specializations, work experience, and skills. You’re sure to find the right freelance digital marketer for your business needs by scouring through this broad and diverse talent pool.

Scalable and Flexible Hiring

Working with freelance digital marketers is not only cost-effective; it’s also highly scalable. You can hire a freelance digital marketing expert on a part-time, full-time, or project-based basis. And as your business grows, you’ll likely need to ramp up your digital marketing efforts. You can add more freelance digital marketers to your team to help you keep up with your growing social media management tasks, Google ads campaigns, and other relevant tasks.

Improve Your Digital Presence

Getting the right digital marketing services can help you boost your digital presence. You can utilize the many digital channels available. Doing so can help you reach more people and increase awareness for your brand.

Generate Revenues

Combining the right digital marketing strategies and tactics can help increase web traffic, leads, sales, and, ultimately, revenue. Your freelance digital marketer can help you find the right combination of efforts to maximize your marketing budget.

Avoid Burnout

Digital marketing is an essential tool but can be time- and energy-consuming. You can take on the task or delegate it to your team, but you must always consider one’s workload and core strengths. By hiring freelance digital marketers to help you with your digital marketing campaigns, you can avoid overloading yourself and your team. Plus, you’re delegating this important function to someone with the right digital marketing skills.

Tasks You Can Delegate to Digital Marketing Freelancers


There are many facets of digital marketing that you can delegate to freelance digital marketing professionals. The global talent pool comprises digital marketers with varying skills and specializations, from content marketing to graphic design and search engine optimization.

The tasks that you will delegate will highly depend on your business goals, but here are some main tasks you can easily delegate to a freelance digital marketing specialist:

Content Marketing & Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Keyword Research
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Link-building
  • Optimization of Your Own Website
  • Content Optimization
  • Other Content Marketing Tasks

Social Media Marketing

  • Setup and Management of Accounts on Social Media Platforms
  • Paid Ads Management
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Answering Customer Queries on Social Media Platforms
  • Email Marketing to Existing and Potential Clients
  • Other Social Media Marketing Support Tasks

Business Support & Marketing Analytics

  • Crafting and Execution Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Analysis of Digital Campaigns Based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • Monitoring of Digital Marketing Resources
  • Research on Various Trends in Online Marketing Channels
  • Other Business Support and Analytics Tasks

Administrative Support

  • Data Entry
  • Database Creation of Existing and Potential Clients
  • Email Management
  • Consolidation of Digital Marketing Activities (Marketing Playbook)
  • Other Administrative Tasks

Creative Support

  • Graphic Design
  • Content Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Video Editing
  • Podcast Editing
  • Other Creative Support Tasks

Essential Skills and Qualities of a Digital Marketer

The best way to make the most out of your freelance digital marketing specialist is to have a good screening process. You must be clear about what the job entails and the skills needed to get that job done. The skills and qualities section of job postings may vary depending on the company and its specific requirement. However, here are some foundational qualities you need to look for in freelance digital marketers:

Relevant Work Experience in the Digital Marketing Field

If you’re looking for someone who will immediately impact your team, then experience in the field is essential. A freelance marketer with relevant work experience and knowledge in various digital marketing channels can be a valuable asset for your business. Their combination of work experience and business skills can help you grow your business.

Fast Learner

Not every freelance marketing you encounter will have the whole package, but they must be coachable. They must be able to pick up digital marketing concepts and essential business skills through training. This way, they can still contribute to your digital marketing efforts.

In fact, you can hire remote talents without experience with digital marketing jobs. They can help you with entry-level digital marketing tasks so long as they’re willing and quick to learn. Not only are you helping them jumpstart their freelance digital marketing career, but you’re also gaining an important team member. They can help you handle routine and time-consuming tasks crucial for a successful business.

Analytical Skills

One of the benefits of digital marketing is that businesses get access to various data points and reports. But to help you make sense of this data, you’ll need someone with analytical skills. This way, they can assess whether a content writing project or digital marketing campaign is effective. They can also help create data-backed strategies to help you reach your business goal, whether it’s lead generation, ranking high on search engines’ result pages, or increasing online engagements.

Willingness to Adapt

One of the important qualities of a successful online digital marketer is their willingness to learn. They recognize that the digital marketing world is ever-changing, so they need to find ways to keep up. They must always keep an ear to the ground while keeping track of the best practices they’ve executed thus far. Additionally, they might be working with clients from various industries. They must be open to learning about the nuances of the different industries and target audiences to help their clients succeed.

How to Hire a Digital Marketer

Getting the digital marketing services you need can be a long process. Before you even begin posting a job ad on freelance services platforms, you must identify the tasks you’ll be delegating. This list can help you communicate to digital marketers the type of work they’ll be applying for. The details should include the work hours, pay rate, required skills, etc. After creating a job post, you must sift through various applications and interview candidates. All these steps are necessary to get the right digital marketer for your business.

However, screening, recruiting, and onboarding anyone, including remote talent, takes time and energy. If you want to save valuable time while still getting the right digital marketer for the job, why not let 20four7VA help?

Find the Best Remote Talents with 20four7VA

A top-notch and experienced remote agency like 20four7VA makes remote staffing as easy and effective as possible. We have a wide talent pool of pre-vetted virtual assistants, a dedicated support team, and a hassle-free process.

Hire Your Remote Talent in Four Easy Steps:

  1. Consultation with Growth Experts
    Fill out the 20four7VA consultation call form so that we can understand your staffing requirements better.
  2. Screening and Shortlisting of Candidates
    We’ll search our pool of remote talents to find freelance digital marketing candidates. We’ll shortlist based on the approved job description (JD).
  3. Candidate Interviews
    We will arrange interview appointments with shortlisted digital marketing candidates. We can also help administer test tasks (e.g., content writing or digital marketing knowledge tests).
  4. Selection and Set Up of Client Account
    After you’ve made a selection from the shortlisted candidates, we’ll set up your account. Your freelance digital marketing assistant can start the next business day.

Ready to find the right digital marketing services for your business? Book a FREE consultation with our Growth Experts today!

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