
Blog Writer Virtual Assistant

Hire a virtual assistant who’s good at writing blogs and articles on demand.

Why Does Your Website Need a Blog?


Did you know that companies who blog get 67% more leads than those who don’t? Blogs are valuable to potential clients in several ways: they help you establish authority, they provide a convenient way for people to check out what you’re offering in more detail, and they can help you reach a larger audience by making your website more visible on search engines.

Blogs can be one of your best tools for growing a business online, but creating a blog post – from generating blog post ideas to content writing to keyword optimization – is something that many business owners aren’t sure how to do. Even for those who enjoy writing, creating blog posts and promoting these articles on a regular basis is time-consuming. For work-life balance, maintaining a blog for the company website is not something that CEOs or business owners personally devote their time to.

But while producing top-notch content through blog posts requires a lot of resources, the value that you get from blogging makes up for the investment. Blogs are excellent at driving more traffic to any online business. A single blog post that is well-written and enhanced with the right keywords can draw in many new visitors and potential customers to your site.

Small business owners can leverage the value of blogging without drawing their focus away from high-level tasks by hiring a dedicated virtual assistant (VA) to handle content writing and blog management. A content writing virtual assistant is a remote worker or freelance blog writer who can do a wide range of writing tasks.

What Can a Content Writer Virtual Assistant Do For You?

Exactly what can a writing virtual assistant do for you? There are many blog-specific assignments that your virtual assistant can complete for you. Not only can content writers write content for your blog, but they can also do research on topics that will interest your audience, post or schedule articles on your content management system (CMS), monitor and respond to blog comments, optimize your articles for SEO, promote your content on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook groups, and so on.

What Other Tasks Can You Assign to a Blog Writer Virtual Assistant?


Aside from the typical ones listed above, a skilled content writer virtual assistant can handle other related writing and non-writing tasks for your company too. Here are some other tasks you can assign to your content writing VA:

Website Content

If you need someone to create content for the different pages on your website, you can count on your content writing VA to do the job. They can write product descriptions, descriptions of your services, your company profile or history, and more.

Press Releases

Your content writer virtual assistant can also create a press release for the launch of new products or services or for important company announcements.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another content promotion or marketing responsibility that you can assign to content writers. They can create content for your emails, plan email calendars, and even create email sequences or automation for a hands-off approach to email marketing.

Social Media Management

Some content writer virtual assistants are also adept at managing social media accounts for businesses. Their writing skills give them an advantage because they know just how to write social media captions that speak to your ideal client.

Graphic Design

Many content writing virtual assistants can also do basic graphic design using Canva or other similar tools. For simple graphics such as social media posts, blog headers, and straightforward infographics, you can rely on a content writer with design experience to handle both the content creation and design aspects of the job.


Most content writers, at least those who have been in the business for a few years, would know the basics of search engine optimization. This is because SEO plays such a vital role when it comes to blogging. For basic SEO functions, a content writing VA can definitely do the job.

While hiring an all-in-one content writer VA might seem economical, especially for small businesses without much extra income, it’s not always possible. Each content writer VA will have a unique expertise and skill level, so don’t expect every single one to be able to create social media posts, design infographics, or do all the various marketing tasks listed above. Also, take note that the rates of VAs vary based on how many duties they can fulfill and their experience level.

What Skills Should You Look For In a Content Writer VA?


Excellent written and verbal communication skills are of course the most crucial skills for content writers, so make sure to request plenty of writing samples and have at least a voice interview with a potential virtual assistant. Here are other important skills to look for when screening or vetting a virtual assistant.

Top-Notch Research Skills

Your article writer virtual assistant needs to have strong research skills. They need to be able to get information from reputable sources and competitor websites and transform this research into a piece of quality content for your own website.


You might hire a content writer initially to create content for your company blog, but you’d definitely want them to be able to write other types of content as well. A virtual assistant who offers writing services needs to adapt their writing to match various styles.

Ability to Stay Focused, Be Organized, and Meet Deadlines

Content creation is a very dynamic practice. And while creatives shouldn’t be expected to observe a rigid working schedule, they still need to be able to stay on top of their deliverables. A good content writer should be able to meet deadlines set by their clients without sacrificing the quality of each blog post they submit.

How to Hire the Best Content Writer Virtual Assistant

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Whatever your business model is, a VA can certainly make things easier for you. However, finding the right virtual assistants to work on your blogging and marketing efforts takes a lot of time, effort, and practice. This is why many company owners are hesitant to hire a virtual assistant and prefer to stick with local employees. Unfortunately, this means that they’re missing out on the key benefits of virtual staffing: affordability, scalability, and diversity.

While there are plenty of free resources available with tips that can teach you how to hire the right VA, again, this will take you a lot of time and effort to get it right. The good news is that you don’t have to actually learn the ins and outs of virtual staffing in order to hire the right virtual assistant for your business. A reputable virtual staffing company like 20four7VA can get the job done with little effort from you.

Engaging the services of 20four7VA means relying on the expertise of a company that has over a decade of experience vetting and matching virtual assistants with clients from around the world across different industries. Plus, as a full-service virtual staffing company, 20four7VA also assists clients and VAs even after the free matching and hiring stage is over.

Book a free Business Growth Session with one of our specialists today to find out how to hire the perfect content writing virtual assistant.

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