
Hire a Speech Writer Online

Unlock the Power of Persuasion: Hire an Expert Speech Writer Online

Great speeches can inspire, educate, persuade, or strike an emotional chord among their intended audience. When written and delivered well, speeches can do just what it’s designed to do.

However, speech writing can be a daunting task. It can take time and energy, especially when writing is not your strong suit. Getting remote speech writing services can be your best option if you need to speech write an informative piece or craft a message for a specific audience. A speech writer can help organize your thoughts, achieve your goals, and save time.

What is a Speech Writer?

You may wonder, “What is a speech writer, and why do I need one to write my speech for me?” The answer: A speechwriter is a professional who specializes in creating speeches for various occasions. They craft informative messages and tailor presentations based on clients’ briefs and requirements. Whether you need political speeches or public relations (PR) releases, a professional writer can help.

Projects Speech Writers Can Work On


Different speech writers have various specializations. Some can write speeches for politics, while some can make inspiring speeches for keynote speakers. You can find talents who can write speech for the following purposes:


  • Explain Research Findings or Discoveries
  • Communicate Historical Events
  • Journalism Purposes
  • Education


  • Stand-Up Comedy
  • Monologues
  • Storytelling or Anecdotes


  • Cooking Techniques
  • New Product Usage Explanation
  • Software Demonstration

Persuasive Speech

  • Politicians Running for Office
  • Speeches That Bring Attention to Causes or Social Issues
  • Environmental Activism


  • School Debates
  • Electoral Debates
  • Legal Arguments


  • Sales Pitches
  • Product Launches
  • Organization-Wide Announcements

Motivational Speech

  • Leadership Seminars
  • Personal Development
  • Graduation Speeches for Keynote Speakers

Special Occasions

  • Wedding Speeches
  • Eulogies
  • Birthdays
  • Memorials
  • And other public speaking engagements

Why Hire Remote Talents for Your Speech Writing Needs?


Hiring a freelance writer for your speech writing needs can help you save even more time and money. They can write speeches using their own resources and from their own side of the world. You don’t need to worry about anything other than ensuring they have the right expertise and skills for the job.

Access to a Wider Talent Pool

Remote speech writers offer a wider pool of talent, regardless of location. With the rise of remote work, businesses can now hire speech writers from anywhere in the world. This means you have access to a more diverse group of professionals with different backgrounds, writing skill levels, industry experience, etc.

Save on Costs

Hiring remote speech writers can save office space, equipment, and other overhead expenses. You don’t need to worry about providing a physical workspace or purchasing equipment for your remote speechwriter. This also saves you money on utilities and other expenses associated with having an in-house employee.

Increased Productivity

Writing speeches can be time-consuming. It can take you away from more high-level tasks. By delegating the writing to speech writers, you can focus more on high-level aspects of your job. You can leave the writing to the professionals why you go and check more and more things off your to-do list.

On the other side, remote speech writers can be more productive due to reduced distractions and interruptions. In an office environment, it’s easy for employees to get distracted by colleagues, phone calls, emails, and other interruptions.

Fresh Perspectives from Diverse Backgrounds

Remote speech writers can bring fresh perspectives and unique insights to your speeches as they come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. By hiring someone who doesn’t share your same worldview or philosophy, you’re opening yourself up to new ideas and ways of thinking that could help make your speeches more impactful.

Top Qualities to Look for in a Skilled Speech Writer


“Who should write a speech for me?”
“What kind of speech do I need help with?”
“Do I need someone with experience in a certain background to write my speech?”

Before starting your search, these are the types of questions you need to answer. The answers will help you create the list of skills and qualities you need in speech writers.

This list will highly depend on the type of speech you need. It might be best to hire someone with experience writing for politicians or public servants if it’s for politics. And someone with a similar sense of humor can do the job for comedy writing or informal public speaking engagements.

To help you get started, make sure to include these basic qualities of a good speech writer:


Aside from top-notch writing skills, it’s best to hire someone that is flexible and adaptable. A skilled speech writer should have experience in writing speeches for different occasions and audiences. They must be able to adapt their writing style to suit the specific needs of the event and the audience. The speech writer must understand the tone and purpose of the event. A wedding toast will require an entirely different tone than a eulogy or keynote address at a corporate event. When choosing your speech writer, look for someone who can tailor their writing style to fit your unique needs.

An excellent way to gauge whether a speech writer is experienced enough is by looking at their portfolio of work and checking if they have worked on similar projects before.

Good Research Skills

Writing speeches, especially educational and persuasive speeches, require research. Consider a speech writer who has excellent research and analytical skills to gather relevant information and present it in a compelling manner. A skilled speechwriter must have strong research and analytical skills to collect relevant information about the topic they are writing about. They need to identify credible sources of information that support their stand or ideas presented in the content. Additionally, they must know how to analyze this data effectively to present it in an engaging manner.

Excellent research skills also enable them to anticipate any objections or questions from their audience while delivering the content. This allows them to create counter-arguments beforehand, which helps make their content more persuasive while presenting it.

Time Management Skills

Like many other forms of art or self-expression, written speeches require time and inspiration. It can be challenging to complete a speech without the right pieces (client brief, inspiration, flow, etc.) coming together. And it can be more challenging when writer’s block comes into play. But experienced speech writers can handle such challenges to ensure their assignments are written and submitted on time.

You need speech writers who can prioritize writing assignments and manage their time well. Since they’re remote talents or freelance writers, they can work with various clients. However, they need excellent time management and organizational skills to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Previous Writing Experience

A good speech writer should have experience writing speeches for various audiences and occasions. Whether it’s a corporate event, political rally, or wedding toast, the speech writer should be able to tailor their message to fit the specific audience and occasion.

For example, a speech at a business conference will require more formal language than a speech at a friend’s wedding. The speech writer needs to understand the event’s context and the audience’s expectations to craft a compelling message.

Experience in writing speeches also means that they know how to structure ideas effectively. They can break down complex topics into digestible pieces that are easy for the audience to follow. They can also use metaphors, analogies, and anecdotes to make essential points more memorable.


Speechwriting requires creativity when it comes to crafting messages that are compelling and memorable. A great speech writer knows how to use language effectively to evoke emotions and inspire action.

They can use storytelling techniques, humor, or other rhetorical devices to engage the audience and keep them hooked. They also know how to structure their messages to build up to a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Attention to Detail

A good speech writer must have an eye for detail regarding grammar, punctuation, and formatting. They must ensure that all speeches are error-free and easy to read.

They should be able to format their speeches in a way that is visually appealing and easy on the eyes. This includes using appropriate fonts, spacing between lines, and margins. Doing so will help the speaker know if they need to emphasize a point or word. A well-written and organized speech can help the speaker confidently deliver their ideas.

How to Hire a Remote Speech Writing Professional

Whether you need a speech written for public relations or education purposes, you can find the most suitable writer for the project. There are many speech writers that you can get in touch with online. What’s important is to invest ample time and energy in your search to find the right one for the job.

First, you need to create a comprehensive job listing. This should include the scope of writing speech services, project duration (part-time, project-based, etc.), speech writing rates, etc.

Next, you must continue the recruitment process by posting your job listing on job search platforms. You can choose from the many websites that connect clients with job seekers looking for remote work. After getting applications, you can begin reviewing candidates’ resumes, including their writing portfolio, education, expertise, job experience, etc.

This is not where the hiring process ends, though. You must still schedule interviews, administer test tasks, do background checks, and more. Getting top-notch writing services certainly requires time and energy. If you are in short supply of both, it’s best to work with an experienced remote staffing agency like 20four7VA.

Get Expert Speech Writing Services with 20four7VA

20four7VA is a multi-awarded remote staffing agency. We’ve helped over 3,000 clients find the cost-effective remote staffing solutions they need.

On top of our free client-remote talent matching services, we also offer end-to-end staffing solutions, which include:

  • HR support
  • Dedicated client success managers
  • In-house training
  • IT Helpdesk
  • Onboarding and off-boarding assistance
  • And more!

We have a diverse pool of remote talents from administrative assistants, market research experts, and, yes, even speech writing professionals. Working with 20four7VA is your best bet if you need top-notch remote talent.

Hire a speech writer to help you achieve your personal and business goals. Schedule a free consultation with 20four7VA to find the best remote talents for your needs.

Hire a Business Plan Writer with 20four7VA

20four7VA is a top-notch remote staffing agency with decades of experience. We’ve helped over 3,000 business owners across various industries find the right remote talent.

Our mission is two-pronged:

  • We help clients stabilize and grow their businesses through cost-effective, scalable remote staffing solutions.
  • Provide remote talents worldwide with rewarding career opportunities that they may not typically have access to in their location.

20four7VA End-to-End Services

So how do we keep our mission alive? Through our years of expertise, dedication, and end-to-end staffing solutions, of course. All 20four7VA clients can gain access to our multi-awarded remote staffing solutions, including:

  • 8-Step Remote Talent Vetting Process
  • Free Client-Matching Services
  • Human Resources Support (time tracking, payroll processing, etc.)
  • Dedicated Customer Service Support
  • IT Helpdesk
  • Free Training for Remote Talents
  • and more!

A business plan writer can be the missing piece you need to build a bigger and brighter future for your company. And when you hire business plan writer services through 20four7VA, you can gain access to complete, dedicated services. This way, you can make working with remote talents easier and more effective.

Ready to find the remote business plan expert to help your company reach its goals? Contact us and book your free consultation today!

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