Why Are Top Clinics Embracing Telehealth Virtual Assistants?

Telehealth virtual assistants (VAs) are transforming the way clinics and healthcare facilities operate. By providing remote administrative, marketing, and business support, telehealth virtual assistants help clinics reduce costs, increase efficiency, bring in clients, and improve patient care.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your operations, hire a telehealth virtual assistant. With their help, you can free up your staff to focus on what they do best, delivering exceptional patient care.


How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Telehealth Virtual Assistant?

Hiring a telehealth virtual assistant offers significant cost-saving advantages when compared to in-office employees. Businesses that opt for virtual assistants can typically reduce their staffing costs by approximately 80% or more. This significant cost reduction is due to various factors, including the elimination of expenses associated with physical office space, equipment, and the need for additional in-office staff support.

Here’s a rough breakdown of monthly costs for an onsite medical secretary or admin assistant versus a 20four7VA Telehealth Virtual Assistant:

Monthly Costs Onsite Employee 20four7VA Telehealth VA
Salary on minimum wage $3,439* (full-time) $1,083** (full-time)
Cost of 1 seat in a private office $400+ $0
Additional benefits (insurance, legally required benefits, etc.) $436*** (required benefits, etc.) $0 (Optional)
Utilities, supplies, and other office resources $100+ $0****
Recruitment and onboarding $1,000 to $3,000 or more for each new hire $0
Total employee cost $5,300++ $1,083

* Based on a $19.84 mean hourly wage according to BLS.gov national estimates for Medical Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
** Based on Junior Level Telehealth Administrative VA rates at 20four7VA
*** Please note that these figures are ballpark estimates, and actual costs can be higher or lower depending on various factors. Healthcare providers should conduct a detailed analysis of their specific costs to arrive at a more accurate budget.
**** Additional supplies like software subscriptions, phones, and laptops may be supplied by the client depending on their unique requirements.



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Additional staffing costs

Aside from the standard costs above, there are many other additional staffing costs that often go unnoticed but significantly impact a company’s budget. These extra expenses can quickly accumulate, making the prospect of hiring from a full-service virtual assistant agency like 20four7VA even more appealing.

  • Training and Development:

    Investing in the growth and skill development of your workforce is crucial. For traditional in-office employees, training budgets can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per employee per year. This includes onboarding, workshops, certifications, and ongoing professional development, all of which are vital for keeping your team up to date with industry standards.

  • Taxes:

    Payroll taxes are a significant consideration when employing in-house staff. The specific tax rates depend on the state and locality, but they can certainly add up. Managing these tax responsibilities can be a time-consuming process, especially for businesses with multiple employees.

  • Supervision and Management:

    Supervision and management costs are often underestimated. The time and resources spent by supervisors, managers, or HR personnel in overseeing and coordinating the work of in-house employees can be substantial. The size and structure of the organization will heavily influence these costs.

  • Miscellaneous Costs:

    Beyond the essentials, there are various miscellaneous expenses associated with in-house employees. These include background checks, drug screenings, and uniforms, depending on the nature of the job. Background checks can range from $50 to $100 per employee, drug screenings typically cost between $20 and $50, and uniform expenses vary according to the facility’s dress code.

When you total these up, the savings from hiring a virtual assistant become even more evident. By outsourcing tasks to a remote virtual assistant, businesses can bypass many of these extra expenditures, further bolstering their bottom line.

With virtual assistants available from countries like the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Argentina, and South Africa, where labor costs are often lower, companies can benefit from the cost-effectiveness of this approach without compromising on quality. It’s a compelling case for considering virtual assistants as a smart, budget-friendly solution in the modern workforce.


Telehealth Virtual Assistant Sample Job Descriptions

Click on each image to zoom in.

Administrative Telehealth VA Job Description

Medical Assistant Telehealth VA Job Description

Insurance Verifier Virtual Assistant

Medical Practice Virtual Assistant JD


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Discover What Telehealth Virtual Assistants Can Do For You

Reduced costs

Reduced costs

Reducing overhead costs is a top priority for any clinic. By hiring a telehealth VA, you’ll cut down on expenses associated with on-site staff, office space, and equipment, ultimately saving your practice valuable resources.

Increased efficiency

Increased efficiency

Telehealth VAs bring a wealth of experience and skill to your healthcare facility. From appointment scheduling to medical billing and beyond, they’re well-versed in healthcare administration, allowing your team to operate at peak efficiency.

24/7 support

Because they work from different time zones, telehealth virtual assistants can help you improve patient care and clinic operations by providing 24/7 support. Imagine having a dedicated professional available to answer queries, do admin tasks, or handle any other important task for your clinic or practice on-demand.

Patient care

Focusing on patient care

With their expertise in medical terminology, HIPAA compliance, and healthcare-specific software, telehealth VAs seamlessly handle tasks such as appointment scheduling, patient communication, medical record management, and insurance billing. This allows your staff to dedicate their time to what matters most: delivering quality care and improving patient outcomes.

Scalability and flexibility

The healthcare industry is dynamic, with ever-changing demands. Telehealth virtual assistants can adapt to your clinic’s needs, whether it’s handling increased patient loads or supporting specialized services, providing the flexibility your practice requires.


Seamless integration

In an increasingly digital healthcare landscape, remote healthcare admin assistants are equipped to work with your existing systems and tools, ensuring a smooth transition to a more efficient administrative workflow.

Book a Consultation

Discover how telehealth virtual assistants can help your clinic achieve maximum efficiency and client satisfaction. Submit the form below to book a FREE consultation with a Business Growth Specialist!

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