VA Spotlight: Meet Joane

 In VA Spotlight

What do you like most about working at 20four7VA?

What I love most about working at 20fourva is having a career and work at the convenience of our own home. I am able to work and at the same time, take care of my family! Not to mention escape the traffic and long hours of travel just to log in at work and travel back home to be with my loved ones. These things I deeply appreciate.

What’s the biggest challenge that you’ve faced as a VA and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge I faced so far is an incorrect update in ASC (Amazon Seller Central) where I had to create another listing for a certain item. At first, I was so nervous that I asked help from almost all of our Trainers! But what I did first is I honestly told my client of the situation and let him know that I am making all efforts to correct it. I am so grateful because he told me that I should not worry and that we’re both still learning. Then, I researched and found a solution! I recorded it to make sure that the same will never happen again. And lastly, I shared it to one of our trainers and also to my client so that they’d know how I resolved the issue.

What’s the nicest compliment that a client has ever said to you?

The nicest compliment that a client has ever said to me is that he is grateful that I am his VA! And the truth is, I am more grateful that I see myself working for him, my other client, and 20four7va for as long as I can 🙂

Any secret talents?

My secret talent is, I can eat up to 7 rice servings (in restaurants with unlimited rice offer) in one seating and never been bloated or even get sick. Lol!

20four7va has helped me in a lot of ways. It helps me earn for my family. The experience, the chance to share and use my skills and expertise, the things I learned and will learn. And most especially, 20four7va has helped me to become a mother that I want to be for my daughter without compromising our finances and my career.

What’s the best tip that you can give to aspiring VAs?

The best tips I can give to aspiring VAs are:

1. Be hardworking. Everything that we receive is the result of hard work. If you aim for something? Work hard for it 🙂
2. Accept challenges and comments wholeheartedly. Accept challenges as it will bring out your talent as well as it will give you lessons. Accept each comment as learnings. The open you are, the more knowledge you will gain! Also, do not forget to say sorry and thank you.
3. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Asking is better than assuming (my own motto in life. lol!)
4. Be proactive.
5. Be honest. To yourself, to your client, and to everyone who you work with. Honesty is the best policy 😉

And I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped me in every way they can so that can be the VA I am now. To Boss Cath, who trusted me since day 1. To my clients: Boss Tim and Shawn who appreciate me and my efforts, to my POCs and trainers who are very patient with me, and to my fellow VAs that I am able to talk to and share ideas and experiences. Thank you so much! 🙂

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